Sons of Norway SIWL

I called Transamerica about this and the underwriter told me to answer NO. Just had a call from a new guy at SofN. Has he called you yet? I let him know their SIWL was not simplified in any way compared to working with other carriers.
Love you dave but you decided to work for some guy in texas vs the guy in your backyard, still confused....

Yeah that's interesting. You were gracious enough to offer a ride along and he signed with the other fella?

Haven't sense of it yet. Work for a guy thousands of miles away, or join an agency and upline in your area with all the normal benefits. Guess Mungia just looks better in shorts then me.
You were gracious enough to offer a ride along and he signed with the other fella?

Hey knobby, this will be the last response you ever get from me, as I will put you back on ignore after I post this. I took you off ignore because I couldn't figure out what or why Chris would have made his lat post, but I saw you liked it, so I figured it must be you stirring dung again. So I'll speak my peace on this here and you can say whatever you want about me in the future and it will be like kicking a dead man, 'cause I will not have any awareness of your posts.

At the time I was talking to Chris and EFES. As a newb I wouldn't sign under anyone without a ride along and I wouldn't go on a ride along if I were required to contract first. To Chris's credit, he placed no preconditions on the ride along.

I would have preferred Chris to EFES but the difference in offered contract rates was too great. The forum had done its job of convincing me that anything less than 100-120% contracts was foolish. In hindsight, I'd have rather taken the cut than go EFES.

In fact, after a few months at EFES I was ready to take the cut and leave EFES and join Chris. We were already talking and he and I and his partner were going to meet at a diner to solidify things and then I heard nothing more at all from Chris for weeks.

Mentally, I had checked out of EFES. I had wound down my DM Order with them. I wanted out of EFES and quick!

As I heard no more from Chris, and since I had known Matt from the forum for years and had talked with him on the phone several times, and frankly, I like Matt - I turned his way.

And to Matt's credit he not once tried to recruit me or entice me to leave EFES or anything like that. I called him and I asked him to have me come on board. And so I started the process of leaving EFES and contracting with Matt.

Then, a week or so later, Chris and his partner end up at EFES!

Offers were made to me to move from my EFES upline to Chris. Had I known that Chris would be making that move, and had I known it might have been possible to move under him and remain at EFES, there is a good chance I would have done so.

But I had already asked EFES for my releases, I had already started moving things under Matt. Not only did I not want to try to unwind and rewind, I felt I had already burned the EFES bridge and that I would not be as welcome there on a return as I would have been had I just been asking for an internal upline transfer.

None of which needs to be posted to a public forum, but I wouldn't want knobby to have the last word on my "ingratitude" to Chris.

I have said it before: Chris is the best upline I never had. That being said, I am very happy with @SPUR CITY and The Squad at 360 and while I wish Chris were on our team, I have no regrets. I have a few stray contracts elsewhere from prior relationships going back before my time with Matt, the rest are with him and that is where I expect they will stay for whatever time I have left in this business.
Wow lots of drama that most people just don't need. Anyway back to Sons of Norway. It sounds like their siwl is a pain in the butt? Is their GI any better? If so what should one be able to get with them % wise?