Status of HealthCare.Gov

It will be nice to have a thread with this heading with collective updates from the members...

9:00 AM Central : For the first time I got to the following page without any wait
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Is it getting better?

I figured out how to gauge how well the site is working.

When you see very few posts from regular members in the HCReform forum you know its working:1wink: :D
I heard this morning they were shutting it down for all agents in Texas that have figured out how to do it with desk top sharing. lol lol lol
CGI group was the company who built this bad boy.

Per CNBC just now, the system is still not functioning well, and they are admitting it's more than just a capacity/server problem.
health care dot gov is still not functional. gateway timeout error upon login attempt. was down for 16 hours for upgrade maintenance over the weekend and the results are now its worse than ever.
It will figure out a way to beat you. If you can figure out a way to log on, you go to a dead screen. If you can somehow get past that you get a database error.
only one out of 100 of the few apps that make it to the insurance companies are suitable to be processed due to multiple errors on 99 percent of them