Still no word on 2009 MA commissions

You hit it right on the button Frank: in the end, it's really the seniors that are not being served. They don't deserve this mess. I guess the litmus test is the question of staggering regulations. Are these necessary because government monies are involved, or because the naive senior needs protection?

If in fact a lot of seniors are really naive then all the more reason they need a professional agent. One knows Medicare, Medicare Supplements as well as being very knowledgeable about MA plans. Even the "non-naive" ones need help to navigate through the multitude of options available to them.

When a good number of agents who work this market, I'm sure you have read the same posts I have, don't even know all of the above how can someone who doesn't understand any of this, whether they are naive or not, be expected to make intelligent decisions?

When left to make their own decision about which Med Supp policy is going to be best for them, most of the ones I talk to can't even do that. They almost always opt for Plan F because they believe it to be "the best". In Missouri that isn't true.

If seniors knew what was going on with CMS and the impact it is having on them I'm sure they would be extremely upset.
The seniors that I have served generally know what they want in their Medicare benefits. The problem lies in the "how" they get it. That's where the professional, licensed, agent is supposed to come into the picture. Clearly, Medicare is trying to squeeze us out of the picture and in doing so, is placing an enormous burden on the senior to choose these benefits that they have to live with. Every aspect of this is disheartening to me as I can only imagine what is going to happen. We REALLY do care about our clients and we are being forced to distance ourselves from them professionally. I, for one, cannot stomach this. Put yourself in their place-- what a daunting process this Medicare is without a licensed expert to assist. I know I have strayed from the original subject, but this whole issue just opens up can after can of .................... :wacko:
I wonder, if any of the representatives answering the 800 lines at Medicare are even licensed? For that matter, what was their training-- a two week boot camp on insurance??? Or, do they hire the off season IRS help...?
You are being way too kind to CMS by calling them naive. Obviously you are holding back.

The intelligent people working at CMS, both of them, may also be as astounded by all of this as we are.

Frank, inflating your figures by 200% is gonna get you in trouble one of these days!:D
CMS is just the patsy in this MA mess. They are not operating in a vacuum. These rules are being driven by the captive companies, namely, Humana and Pyramid.

They may have taken too large of a chunk, but, they are behind it. First step is to push aside the indy agents, then move towards on line enrollment and push out the captives.

They don't have to do anything with the FMO people. Getting the indy agents out will take care of the FMOs.
The Med Supp market is still alive and well. I will be happy to share what I know about it to any agent who is working the senior market and would like to move more in the direction of Medicare Supplement policies.

I made the decision a few weeks ago to concentrate on Med Sups, sell the PPO MA's when I have to, and start moving away from the MA business.

This week I have sold a 2 MA's, 2 PDP's and 6 Med Sups. Tomorrow I will sell at least a couple plans, but the Med Sups will be the first recommendation. Add those to the other business I have done this week and it has been a good week. I have already quit thinking about politics and the demise of the insurance business, and am worried about all the paperwork I have to catch up on this weekend. ;)

I love guaranteed issue Med Sups and healthy 80 years olds who understand the value of a Med Sup over the MA plans. I love not having to explain co-pays, MOOP, networks and Scope of Appointment forms.
Medicare Advantage Plans are nothing more than Major Medical Plans, group coverage if you will, for those on Medicare. How difficult is that to explain?

Before people got on Medicare:

They paid a copay for a doctor visit, just like a MA

They paid a copay for a bottle of medicine, just like a MA

The had a maximum amount each year they pay for hospital/lab/surgical procedures, just like a MA

Now, I agree with you 100% about CMS. In my opinion, they won't release the commissions until the night before AEP, on November 14th, and their won't be anything we who choose to sell MA's can do about it.

I also think that MA's are viable products for those that can't afford $150-$200 a month for a premium. Most Medicare beneficiaries are on fixed incomes, and this is a large chunk for them.

I've had several people on MA's for two years now, and only one has wanted to go back to a Med Supp. As for commissions, I'd like to get paid as earned, just as I do with Major Medical.

Sorry to be the dissenting vote here.