Medicare Advantage Plans are nothing more than Major Medical Plans, group coverage if you will, for those on Medicare. How difficult is that to explain?
Before people got on Medicare:
They paid a copay for a doctor visit, just like a MA
They paid a copay for a bottle of medicine, just like a MA
The had a maximum amount each year they pay for hospital/lab/surgical procedures, just like a MA
Now, I agree with you 100% about CMS. In my opinion, they won't release the commissions until the night before AEP, on November 14th, and their won't be anything we who choose to sell MA's can do about it.
I also think that MA's are viable products for those that can't afford $150-$200 a month for a premium. Most Medicare beneficiaries are on fixed incomes, and this is a large chunk for them.
I've had several people on MA's for two years now, and only one has wanted to go back to a Med Supp. As for commissions, I'd like to get paid as earned, just as I do with Major Medical.
Sorry to be the dissenting vote here.
I agree completely Bob, I just don't trust the direction this is heading. I have a lot of folks on MA's, and for many of them they are a godsend for financial reasons. Many seniors are on a very limited income and in the areas where the MA's are competitive and have PPO or HMO options they are working great. I have almost no complaints about the PPO MA's.
I do know that Obama is going to target the reimbursement rates and that we will see drastic changes in copays, premiums and availability of many of the plans in the near future.
In the rural areas where I live the Med Sups are competitive and usually affordable. That is all I will be recommending in those areas, but when confronted with a client of limited means, decent medical health, and a mindset that can deal with co-pays, I will offer the MA plans. In the city the MA plans are so good right now I have to offer them and as AEP and OEP progress I will sell quite a few of them.
But...when they are a viable option the Med Sups will be the first recommendation.
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As for commissions. They are what they are this year. Because of the rules and the limitations on marketing activities I will have an advantage over the newbies and MA specialists since I have a lot of existing clients and contacts from the last 6 years. I have turned down the TM leads from a regional carrier and am only working my own client base, self generated, and internet leads. My wife is my appt setter and she has me already booked 3-5 appts a day thru mid December, and we will get quite a few internet and self generated from reply mailing leads, sooo....I don't have time to worry about commission rates....this year, but next year my focus will change.
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Paid as earned and eliminate the enrollment periods would make most of the bad stuff go away.
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