Still qualified for "open enrollment"

I am not soliciting clients as yet. This came up in conversation with a neighbor. I did not know the answer to his question and thought I would post it here.

Thanks for the information and the "lesson."

I assumed you were an agent since you said you have a "prospect". I don't sell cars and if I'm talking to a neighbor about cars I would not call that person a prospect.

It would have made things a lot more clear if you had said you were having a conversation with a neighbor and this question came up.

If I can ever be of help in your quest to learn about Medicare and Medicare Supplements please contact me, I will be more than happy to help you.
Thank you.

I am an agent. Just got my license and am waiting for appointment paperwork to clear.

I do consider my neighbor as a prospect. Everyone I talk to or meet I consider a prospect or at least a potential prospect.

I'm also looking at your product. When I have something to put in it I'll contact you.
His Open Enrollment runs for 6 months from the effective date of Medicare Part B.

Are you sure about that? The reason I ask is because i just had this situation, the husband turned 65 in Jan., '08 abd the wife in Feb. '08. The husband had a good job with benefits, so neither took B. The husband was called into the headquarters where he worked on May 12 and unexpectedly laid off and his benefits for he and his wife were stopped that day as well.

They contacted SS and enrolled in B with an effective date for B of June 1, 2008. They were referred to me by a current client for a med sup or an MA.

They didn't want to pay for a med sup and were really interested in an MA and a partD or a combo MAPD.

They finally decided on an MAPD. I enrolled them with an effective date of July !, 2008. They were both declined by the carrier because CMS said that they had only from May 12 to May 31 to enroll. I had several discussions with Medicare and SS and the carrier. What the final decision from SS was that they had 63 days from the day they lost credible coverave, {May 12}, to enroll. The decline was over ruled by CMS and the folks are active as of July 1.

Thay may be the rule because of the part D. I didn't pursue enrolling them in a med sup because they had decided they didn't want one, {actually they did want one, they didn't want to pay for it with his being unemployed}.

If what you say is correct, they could still pick up a med sup with GI thru Nov. Is that right?
Are you sure about that? The reason I ask is because i just had this situation, the husband turned 65 in Jan., '08 abd the wife in Feb. '08. The husband had a good job with benefits, so neither took B. The husband was called into the headquarters where he worked on May 12 and unexpectedly laid off and his benefits for he and his wife were stopped that day as well.

They contacted SS and enrolled in B with an effective date for B of June 1, 2008. They were referred to me by a current client for a med sup or an MA.

They didn't want to pay for a med sup and were really interested in an MA and a partD or a combo MAPD.

They finally decided on an MAPD. I enrolled them with an effective date of July !, 2008. They were both declined by the carrier because CMS said that they had only from May 12 to May 31 to enroll. I had several discussions with Medicare and SS and the carrier. What the final decision from SS was that they had 63 days from the day they lost credible coverave, {May 12}, to enroll. The decline was over ruled by CMS and the folks are active as of July 1.

Thay may be the rule because of the part D. I didn't pursue enrolling them in a med sup because they had decided they didn't want one, {actually they did want one, they didn't want to pay for it with his being unemployed}.

If what you say is correct, they could still pick up a med sup with GI thru Nov. Is that right?

Yes, I am positive about that because the original question was asked about a Medicare Supplement policy. Not an HMO, PPO or PFFS plan.

The prospect already had one of those, apparently didn't like it (I don't either and don't sell them) and wanted a Medicare Supplement policy.