Strong winds in California heighten fire risk in drought-stricken Los Angeles.

Forest fires are a natural event that have been happening for 1000's of years. The only thing that has changed is putting people in areas where forest fires will occur, which is basically anywhere with trees. Prescribed burns or tree removal is the only way to combat mother nature. Or we just have to live with them and accept the risks. Major forest fires will burn and there's nothing man can do about it. They stop when the weather changes or they run out of fuel.
I'm just so annoyed with California political leaders saying that it's all so "unprecedented."


This video was 7 years ago. Maybe not as much destruction and loss of life, but c'mon! When are they going to get serious about being proactive about all these fires?

I guess those who have voted for these leaders are starting to figure out that they aren't in the "protected class" that they thought they were:

I'm just so annoyed with California political leaders saying that it's all so "unprecedented."


This video was 7 years ago. Maybe not as much destruction and loss of life, but c'mon! When are they going to get serious about being proactive about all these fires?

I guess those who have voted for these leaders are starting to figure out that they aren't in the "protected class" that they thought they were:

Camp Fire was like 6 years ago and destroyed an entire city.

19k structures and 85 people died.
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I'm just so annoyed with California political leaders saying that it's all so "unprecedented."


This video was 7 years ago. Maybe not as much destruction and loss of life, but c'mon! When are they going to get serious about being proactive about all these fires?

I guess those who have voted for these leaders are starting to figure out that they aren't in the "protected class" that they thought they were:

Shall he remove all the trees or outlaw the Santa Anna winds or flatten the mountains? These fires are as much a part of nature as hurricanes and earthquakes. Historically, fires ran on 100 year cycles. No amount of equipment is going to put out a forest fire.
Shall he remove all the trees or outlaw the Santa Anna winds or flatten the mountains? These fires are as much a part of nature as hurricanes and earthquakes. Historically, fires ran on 100 year cycles. No amount of equipment is going to put out a forest fire.

Maybe if we all just got together and blew the other way the winds would go away.

Back here in the world we spend billions of dollars in California on fire prevention but you'll never fully prevent this from happening just like an earthquake or a hurricane.. people want to live in these areas so this is what we have to deal with.
Back here in the world we spend billions of dollars in California on fire prevention

I'm not a P&C guy and I don't track this other than living here in SoCal where we have fires every single year.

Can you cite a link to back this up?

I agree that it will never be eliminated. I'd like to see better prevention or better allocated prevention methods as well as better preparation for when these massive fires do break out.