Struggling to Write Apps.

22 years in the business and this is the worst summer in terms of production including the summer of 2008 when I had back surgery. It's the heat, it's the economy, it's the uncertainty about everything on the part of everyone. Summers are usually slow, this one has been dead but no one has gone to the trouble to bury it. Leads aren't working and the only solution is to stay at it I guess as that's what I'm doing. I guess it's a case of keep hope alive, it's the only option I have. Let's face it, we all didn't become incompotent or stupid all of sudden. There are factors at work that are beyond us.
IMHO, the size of the "pie" is the same and growing (over-65, on Medicare) but there are more hungry people with a fork (agents) sitting down at the table to eat

i.e. displaced health insurance agents, displaced RE agents, unemployed start selling insurance, etc.

Edit: I would add that it is still a great market to be in and there is still plenty of business to go around and growing every day.
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If I may.

Go to your filing cabinets.

I hit a self imposed summertime funk also. Then I started hunting. Better to hunt grounds you have been to before.

If you have sold term in the past. Look for the stuff that will term out in the next five years. Convert or rewrite. Under performing UL? Child riders that need to be converted? Other policies your clients own, Do an AOR.

Low hanging fruit.

Just my 2 cents.....

22 years in the business and this is the worst summer in terms of production including the summer of 2008 when I had back surgery. It's the heat, it's the economy, it's the uncertainty about everything on the part of everyone. Summers are usually slow, this one has been dead but no one has gone to the trouble to bury it. Leads aren't working and the only solution is to stay at it I guess as that's what I'm doing. I guess it's a case of keep hope alive, it's the only option I have. Let's face it, we all didn't become incompotent or stupid all of sudden. There are factors at work that are beyond us.
If you don't mind me asking...what did she say to them to get such a great response. I am new and appreciate any advice.
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Had my telemarketer switch to calling small business owners for life ins quotes. She just called me to let me know she got 5 leads the first hour.

What did she say when she called? I would appreciate any advice because I am new in the Life market.
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I don't know which is busier for me, the lead up to December (getting existing clients and myself ready beginning in October) or December itself. Either way, it's busy.

December is my busiest month because of AEP.