Example from the study:
Example from the study:
Obama's CEA Spills the Beans
A recent report from President Obama's Council of Economic Advisors (CEA),21 which he has touted as showing how his plan would reduce health costs, describes explicit and comprehensive government rationing of health care.
Looking systematically at what works and what doesn't in order to provide more high value care and less care that is of low value. For many types of medical conditions, a patient may have a choice of several methods or treatments, each having different benefits or risks. Systematic examinations of the merits of different treatments and dissemination of the results of these examinations to patients and providers is one mechanism for promoting high value health care. 22 (bold in the original)
In other words, a health care bureaucracy in Washington, DC – not you and your doctor – would decide what health care works and what doesn't, what is high-value care and what is low-value
care. Of course, this bureaucracy would not know you or anything about your illness, as your doctor does. But like all good central planners, the CEA and President Obama assume the
government is omniscient.
21 The President's Council of Economic Advisors, The Economic Case for Health Reform, June 2, 2009.
22 Id.