Subsidy 2015

Is it more surprising that I'm right, or that the gov't had yet decided auto renewal. For all the reasons they noted, they want everyone to stay on the gravy train, or else the law fails.

The question not answered, what about the subsidy amount changing?
Probably, if nothing done, income stays the same, subsidy adjusts to the 2nd silver, and plan price changes. Question: Who wants to bet that neither the gov't or carrier will send notices out notifying of the rate increase. The carriers don't know the income amount, and the gov't is let's say a "little behind" when it comes to thinking ahead.


I wrong. it describes things in this PDF document, starting page 7. I'm just getting into it. This is a doozy. Amazing how we talk about this stuff today, and guidance comes out on the same topic...........almost like they are reading this forum

So if you do nothing, your tax credit adjustment will be based on your 13' tax return and gov't forecasting, unless you physically make a income projection change.

Under the process currently defined in §155.335, the Exchange will provide a notice to all individuals who have been determined eligible for enrollment in a QHP through the Exchange (qualified individuals) in advance of the annual open enrollment period, consistent with §155.335(c). For 2015, current regulations in §155.335(d)(1) specify that this notice and the annual open enrollment period notice described in §155.410(d) be provided as a single, coordinated notice. For an individual who requested an eligibility determination for insurance affordability programs and who authorized the Exchange to obtain the most recent tax return information available from the Secretary of the Treasury for the purposes of annual redetermination, this notice will include a projected eligibility determination for insurance affordability programs for the following year that is computed based on the updated income and
CMS-9941-P 8
family size information, all other eligibility information currently on file with the Exchange, and plan premiums for the following year. Specifically, if advance payments of the premium tax credit (APTC) are being paid on such an enrollee's behalf and the tax filer authorized the Exchange to obtain updated tax data for the purposes of annual redetermination, the Exchange will recalculate advance payments of the premium tax credit and cost-sharing reductions (CSR) for the upcoming year in accordance with updated income and family size information and premium data for the applicable benchmark plan, as defined in 26 CFR 1.36B-3(f), calculated using premiums for the upcoming year. Consistent with §155.335(e), the Exchange will require qualified individuals to report changes. The process currently established in regulation allows an individual who is enrolled in a QHP through the Exchange and whose QHP remains available to renew coverage for the following year without reapplying or having to take other actions. This is a key element of the redetermination process, since it enables a streamlined renewal process for enrollees and also reduces administrative costs for States and the Federal government.


and here is the second part of the answer:

In this situation, we propose that the QHP in which the enrollee will be renewed will be selected according to the following order of priority: first, in the same plan as the enrollee's current QHP, unless the current QHP is not available; second, if the enrollee's current QHP is not available, the enrollee's coverage will be renewed in a plan at the same metal level as the enrollee's current QHP; third, if the enrollee's current QHP is not available and the enrollee's product no longer includes a plan at the same metal level as the enrollee's current QHP, the enrollee's coverage will be renewed in a plan that is one metal level higher or lower than the enrollee's current QHP; and fourth, if the enrollee's current QHP is not available and the enrollee's product no longer includes a plan that is at the same metal level as, or one metal level higher or lower than the enrollee's current QHP
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Most can auto-enroll for insurance, but should they?

Auto-enrollment "makes sense for continuity, but just because it can be done does not mean it will be in their best interest," says Avalere CEO Dan Mendelson. "This is a buyer-beware situation."

Basically, it's going to be our jobs to reach out to our clients to keep them from auto enrolling. Another note, I don't know about every other agents situation but I've taken on new carriers that I didn't have the opportunity to offer during last OE. That should prove a plus come Nov.
Auto-enrollment, with subsidies

Looks like there's news regarding 2014 Obamacare customers:
"The vast majority of people who enrolled in Obamacare on the federal health exchange will be both automatically re-enrolled in the health plans they selected in 2014 and automatically receive the subsidies to help pay for that insurance that they got this year, officials revealed Thursday."
See the whole article:
Obamacare's 95% solution: Auto-enrollment, with subsidies
Re: Auto-enrollment, with subsidies

Looks like there's news regarding 2014 Obamacare customers:
"The vast majority of people who enrolled in Obamacare on the federal health exchange will be both automatically re-enrolled in the health plans they selected in 2014 and automatically receive the subsidies to help pay for that insurance that they got this year, officials revealed Thursday."
See the whole article:
Obamacare's 95% solution: Auto-enrollment, with subsidies

Automatic enrollment has a catch ..............

Here are four reasons why automatic renewal isn't going to work.

1. Due to strict actuarial value (AV) parameters and changing limits on certain benefits the plans offered in 2014 may have to be cancelled in 2015. The plans that do renew will certainly not meet the requirements in 2016. Any time there is a plan change you will either have to pick a new plan or be "mapped" to a plan with the same insurer.

InsureBlog: It's "Government Simple"

The devil is in the details.
Re: Auto-enrollment, with subsidies

Automatic enrollment has a catch ..............

Here are four reasons why automatic renewal isn't going to work.

1. Due to strict actuarial value (AV) parameters and changing limits on certain benefits the plans offered in 2014 may have to be cancelled in 2015. The plans that do renew will certainly not meet the requirements in 2016. Any time there is a plan change you will either have to pick a new plan or be "mapped" to a plan with the same insurer.

InsureBlog: It's "Government Simple"

The devil is in the details.

Oh Bull Corn.............

They will put them in the same metallic plan in the same price range they currently have. Done deal. Another Boogeyman down.