Does the group allow any employee to say anyone off the street is their live-in soon to be wife and enroll them on the company healthplan, without proof?
If so, she is eligible for employer sponsored coverage, and therefore, not subsidy eligible. I'll eat an entire broccoli if this is the case-I've never even heard of any company letting any employee enroll anyone they want without proof.
If not (proof of DP status is required) than she is NOT explicitly eligible, and therefore IS subsidy eligible. Nowhere in any law does it compel anyone to prove DP status.
Further, since they are unmarried, they could not file a joint tax return. Any subsidy calculation would only take into account her income/deductions and a household size of 1 (unless she has a dependent).
I'm confident to say, she is subsidy eligible. She loses eligibility when they get married.
For the record, I like Broccoli. You are correct about the proof of Domestic Partner relationship on group plans! It can be a tough form you have to fill out to prove the relationship. Questions like, do you own an asset together like a home or vehicle, or a bank account... How long have you been together, and do you comingle funds... So, it is often not easy to qualify as a DP for a group plan. Some states and some group plans might be easy - I don't really know. KGMom said TX doesn't require proof. But in AZ (and apparently in NY where RayNY lives), it is kind of difficult to prove DP relationship for eligibility for insurance.
No broccoli for you. You are right about the DP documentation issue in your state and mine.
The deal about this case, according to Somarco, is that the employee already went down the DP route, got a quote for the premium, choked on the cost, and then diverted to wanting IFP with hopes of a subsidy. So, apparently the client is eligible for the group plan. Now, if only Yagents would dazzle us with his brilliance and tell us if that means she is NOT eligible for a subsidy, or if that means she is like the "under age 26" kid in his other case where says he can get a subsidy.
While we are waiting for YAgents, perhaps a rep will know. hehehe