Suggestions for Coping with Work Environment

Life isnt fair, people are not equal at work, & its a free country.

You should be teaching a high school class... or maybe Starbucks should hire you to train their employees a "Life's Lessons" class.

Story Time:
Local post office worker and I where discussing the turn over they had. She mentioned a 25 yr old who recently quit after 1 week on the job. He had a tough time with the cold weather and came in one day and said that his dad said he could quite so he did...???????

He was getting a job at the post office... what was he thinking he was going be doing. Snow Flake!
I thrive at new business because it's new and a chance to build a strong relationship.

Also, my friend that works here is great. We have a great relationship. It makes things tough when she leaves a lot and the other is lazy. I take more than three times the incoming calls and double outgoing but I'm the one with the problem? Please. My friend is also incredible at selling and is a boss at referrals. We have a friendly competition every month.

I would say she wins, "hands down".

She appears to have removed you from a type of work in which you "thrive" and placed you in a position where you enable her work style.
I have been clinically diagnosed with high anxiety and PTSD which makes the service work hard because I don't handle being screamed at well.

Buy a copy of Shinzen Young's break through difficult emotions and try to do some work on fixing yourself.
You should be teaching a high school class... or maybe Starbucks should hire you to train their employees a "Life's Lessons" class.

Story Time:
Local post office worker and I where discussing the turn over they had. She mentioned a 25 yr old who recently quit after 1 week on the job. He had a tough time with the cold weather and came in one day and said that his dad said he could quite so he did...???????

He was getting a job at the post office... what was he thinking he was going be doing. Snow Flake!
Second one might be cool if I got free food and coffee.

First suggestion sounds like the 2nd layer of hell! LOL.

This guy is actually comparing himself to a 15 year agent! Get real. There is a reason that guy has a different work load than a 1st year agent.
Second one might be cool if I got free food and coffee.

First suggestion sounds like the 2nd layer of hell! LOL.

This guy is actually comparing himself to a 15 year agent! Get real. There is a reason that guy has a different work load than a 1st year agent.
The problem is he/she is spending time worrying about what everyone else does instead of taking care of their own business. :cry:
She has been the lowest salesperson over the last five years every month. She is consistently rude, is physical with her boyfriend as well as customers giving men hugs and not just the pat on the back type, and I'm the one with the issue? My friend that works here said she has made four complaints about this person and our Agent does nothing because he hates confrontation.

First rule of business is WHOSE BUSINESS IS IT ANYWAY??? If the agent is okay with everything, and won't fix/change/confront it... but it irritates you... then WHO has the problem? If you don't like it... or can't stand it, it's YOUR problem... because the agent is okay with it.

He also is a very charitable man and takes pity on her because she's a single mother of three, although 2 kids are out of the house. He's went as far as giving her vehicles in the past.

Immaterial. It's his office and his money.

Also, my friend that works here is great. We have a great relationship. It makes things tough when she leaves a lot and the other is lazy. I take more than three times the incoming calls and double outgoing but I'm the one with the problem? Please. My friend is also incredible at selling and is a boss at referrals. We have a friendly competition every month.

Whiner. If you're so good at sales, and I assume there's some kind of "bonus" program available... then you would WELCOME the chance to build fresh new relationships with the ENTIRE BOOK OF BUSINESS.

Your statement regarding everyone doing service work is so far off base it's incredible. Multiple agencies have a separate sales division and service division. And of course in other organizations the divisions are separated. Hence dial #1 for sales and #2 for service.

And to say you would've shown me the door, I'd probably never of worked for you because you sound like someone I wouldn't want to work for anyways. I know who I am and I know my worth. I just have trouble with service and getting bogged down by the B.S. that goes on. I'm looking for advice, not assumptions on knowing my agency.

Even if my agency "sucked" (I'm not in P&C, but assuming I was, and I was this agent and it was my office)... this is what I would be thinking if I was reading that post and you worked for me:

1. Your "worth" is someone who complains a lot about the employees that *I* hired and have built up a long-term relationship with.

2. Your "worth" is as someone who wants to be the agent in charge of the agency, but isn't.

3. Your "worth" is someone who wants to run the business based on a limited set of facts.

4. Your "worth" isn't just about someone who can DO the job on their own, but someone who can HANDLE the rest of it and work with MY team that *I* hired... and it isn't working out.

5. Your "worth" complains about the way I run my agency. But it's my signature that pays for that agency. And every complaint is a value judgment against the way I've been doing business for years. It may not fit "your worth"... but it's mine and I've been doing it for a long time.

You can take your "worth" elsewhere.
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