Survey: Hello! I'm curious to know what your biggest problems are as insurance buyers.

Figuring out insurance agents and financial planners is worse than choosing an IMO/FMO.
Janae, I’m assuming you’re asking our opinion about it. I think some people might respond to it, who are likely in the market for insurance anyway. So it may be a way to find some buyers. Others will realize it’s really a sales tool, so they’ll resist it. Have you used it yet? Who are you sending it to? How are your results so far?
The thing I do not see is how receiving a survey like that, out of the blue in my email, would help me resolve the basic issue of trust and know that the agent was looking out for my interests, as well as his or her own. Looking out meaning being prepared to discuss alternate coverages available in the market local to me, pricing differences and special options it would be important for me to consider, in addition to basic coverage, such as sump pump coverage in home insurance and uninsured motorist and towing coverages in an auto package.