Taking Our Money Back from Www.insuranceleadz.com!!

Hi All,

You don't need to contact the Attorney General or file any complaints on internet boards. I work here and all you have to do is call our customer service department and ask for your refund. We are not in business of taking money from insurance agents. The reason why some of you are not satisfied with our service and want to cancel is because we recently had a major system migration and a lot of things went wrong in the process. We have been helping agents on one by one cases and making sure everyone is happy with the outcome. Once again, we don't make money if agent's don't stay with us for years. So for those of you who feel like this is not for you all you have to is call 877-225-3239 and ask for your money back.

I hope we can resolve all of your concerns and make everyone happy.

She is telling the truth. I had a small amount of money with them that I never used because I learned very quickly that I hate paying for leads. Somehow I got mixed up in the "system migration" and started receiving, and paying for, auto insurance leads and I was signed up for life leads. I called and they refunded every penny.

I am going to cancel my subsription when I run out of the money I have with them but I am currently getting some life leads and here is what I got today:

1. somebody name dxkdjdfe kweqnbdwedb with a phone # of 222-222-2222
2. a 23 year old female who is 5'11 and weighs 320 lbs.
3. a 50 year old male who is 5'6 and weighs 290 lbs and has health issues

and these people are being chased by 5 other agents.

I'm curious to see what tomorrow brings. It's not the companies fault though, I'm the *** who paid for them.:D
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I agree with the other posts. Trying to go after them personally / take them to court / etc. will never work. You can send all the summons in the world and it wont make a difference.

The great thing about the internet is a free voice. I'd start posting around on forums (like this one) about how bad of a company they are. All the SE's will pick up on it for anyone looking for information about if they should trust them.

Slam them from the back door!
new here but i did get involved with them and they sent me some great leads. they were all 600 miles away! i am not set up just yet to do he apps on line!! but the filter has a 50 miles radius
Same thing still going on with these guys Insuranceagents.com (InsuranceleadsZ.com) No leads sent in several weeks and NO REFUND was the answer on the phone, not what LevB stated in this thread. The company is Cyber Tech LLC and the CEO is Lev B makes you wonder? "We dont have to refund" was the comment I got, I guess that makes clients happy being told we have a contract.

But the Attorney General in Ohio does get involved with consumer cases and will give a company a set period of days to resolve the issue.
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I do not recall telling you that we don't have to refund you. If you have a legitimate reason for a refund, we will do so with no questions asked. Who is the person you have been dealing with and what is your situation?

I am sure we can resolve your issues amicably.
I believe InsuranceAgents.com is the consumer facing page of InsWeb. I was not happy with the leads I received from them. The person on the phone was friendly when I said I was done purchasing leads through their company. They blamed it on system upgrades in a weak attempt at setting the stage to lure me back. Further, I was dissappointed that I still receive emails from my test run prior to signing up. The business that is written is solicited to shop after 5 or 6 months. They are not much worse tan the other lead aggregators I have tried. I called one guy within 30 seconds of receiving the lead who said, "Bro, you are literally the 10th guy who has called this morning..." I'm not the best agent, nor the worst, but this is ridiculous. Needless to say, I'm not purchasing internet leads any longer.