Taking Three Time to Pass Insurance Test.

Yeah, lillybelle, the insurance test is a piece of cake compared to the series 7. I wouldn't sweat it.

The 7 is just as tricky if not more and covers WAY more material. If you actually study for the test, it's not really that hard in my book.
The P&C book was definantly more difficult...I tried 5 times to read that book and fell asleep at inland marine insurance every stinking time, I finally realized I just didn't have enough interest in it to get through the book. I devoured the Life and Health book and Series in just a few hours.
I felt the same way! I've only taken p&c so far and I failed my first try. I took it very lightly and only concentrated on the thick chapters. Big mistake. My first test had so many questions on workmans comp and barely anything on auto.

I was pissed I failed so I rescheduled for 4 days later and basically told my wife to not talk to me and studied my ass off. Nailed it the next time. It's definitely more of an english test than anything.
Just to be that guy, I failed the life state law portion of the L&H test the first time, because the study materials in the online Kaplan course didn't mention any of the state laws, and they were in a pdf file that I didn't see.

The day of the test I had never seen the material, and failed that part only by 1 question.

It's likely a good test taker (I'm a pretty good test taker) could take the entire test and pass it without ever seeing the materials with a little luck.

On the retake a month later, I took the section in under 10 minutes and got a 100.
Good thing Life Insurance and Cash value provides some interest enough for me to pass! I can't lie and say i was not nervous prior to the test.

the test has no bearing at all. on your success as an agent. i have lost good agents because they could not pass the test. and had some of the smartest people starve out as an agent. takes a lot more than the state test to make an effective agent. i will take integrity and a willingness to learn over retention skills every time ;)
From what i've been told the 6 and 63 are much harder than then either life/health or P/C test.

For me the Life, Health, and 6 were easy but the 63 was a bear. I didn't have good study material. I passed with a 75.
Love this read. "40 Hours and I'm an Insurance Agent" is the title so you get the idea! It doesn't bother me how long it takes you to pass the insurance test but you must continue to educate yourself. I passed P & C and Life & Health with no problem but I really wasn't prepared to sell the products. I am not saying to get a designation but I am saying to be a great agent continuing ed is key.

“40 Hours and I'm an Insurance Agent!†| PropertyCasualty360
Try it again and read the question twice then fill the question in with the answer you chose, then make sure it is correct it is just a very tricky test

Sample question

23. This Forum is not not the most negative place to not make posts about insurance?

A) True
B) I don't care
C) False
D) Where is my dinner?

I totally agree. I will be taking my proctored LH exam tomorrow. I feel the test is designed to fail people. I hear only 10% pass the first time. I figure like this, if I fail the first time, no problem I have more than one chance to pass this. That is why they give you more than one chance.

Will let you know when I pass.
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I totally agree. I will be taking my proctored LH exam tomorrow. I feel the test is designed to fail people. I hear only 10% pass the first time. I figure like this, if I fail the first time, no problem I have more than one chance to pass this. That is why they give you more than one chance.

Will let you know when I pass.

Oh....and I will choose D.....I'm hungry...what is for dinner. LOL
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That test didn't teach me JACK about how the insurance business works. I have learned all that off of here and talking to people in the business.

I passed that test in October and it's taken me this long to get get contracted with a decent company with rates that I can sell a med supp and not feel guilty trying to sell some sad granny a plan F with a monthly rate of 270.

What a pain in the a$$ it has been but I'm ready now, sort of. At least I hope I can fake it until I get it totally figured out in the next 6 months to a year! Next I have to call Frank and get his CRM and then a list and beg some more people on here to help me make my 1st buck.

Thanks to everyone on here who has helped me I really appreciate you talking to me!

That test can baaaaaaa low me!:yes:
In my opinion, if you can not pass the Life or Health test on the first try, the field may not be the one for you. The tests measure more than your cognitive ability. Many questions require an aptitude for insurance that if you do not have, may make you unsuitible for the field.

Although admittidly harder, the same goes for the P and C test.

I am not the smartest, but I have never not passed any test the first time. This includes All lines ( in Vegas in 1984 ) , again in Wisconsin in 1986, the Series 6 then 7 in 1988, then all lines again in 2009 in Iowa due to moves.

I agree!

I know a person who works for an indy in my town. She told me the agent/owner had to take the P&C test NINE times!! Yes NINE. In WA if you fail the test ten times your request for a license is denied.....LOL.