Telesales From Offshore?


One of the advantages of selling insurance with telesales is the agent can live "anywhere" as the telesales recruiters like to say.

Is that really true?

If an agent is licensed in several states, his resident state and a few, or all, non-residents states could the agent sell from an offshore country where he maintains a second home, with his primary home located in the state he has his resident license?

Is there any law or prohibition against such an arrangement? Or would the decision be left up to the individual carriers? If it's up to the carriers anyone know which carriers permit such an arrangement?

One of the advantages of selling insurance with telesales is the agent can live "anywhere" as the telesales recruiters like to say.

Is that really true?

If an agent is licensed in several states, his resident state and a few, or all, non-residents states could the agent sell from an offshore country where he maintains a second home, with his primary home located in the state he has his resident license?

Is there any law or prohibition against such an arrangement? Or would the decision be left up to the individual carriers? If it's up to the carriers anyone know which carriers permit such an arrangement?

The answer is yes. I asked my DOI, and they told me that if they didn't know I was living out of the problemo. You might want to ask Jeff Root about this. I remember reading that he sold from Europe for a few months. Search the Forum, we've had this discussion before. :yes:

Thanks for the reply.

I've probably read everything on the Internet written by and about Jeff Root and his Telesales program. Matter of fact, I think it was on one of his websites I saw a photo of a guy sitting in a beach chair, on a crystal white beach with the waves in the background, and his computer sitting on his thighs (NOT a good idea, by the way!) and the message was work from anywhere.

I'll send Jeff an email.

Thanks again.

I saw a photo of a guy sitting in a beach chair, on a crystal white beach with the waves in the background, and his computer sitting on his thighs (NOT a good idea, by the way!)

My wife said the same thing..haha.

You're good to go if your primary residence is in the US and you're just spending some time overseas. We have an agent writing business while visiting his Columbian fiance right now on our platform. What a time to be alive.

Also, find a good VPN if you're doing e-apps and you should be good to go.
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