In NC all the UHC plans have a $47 copay for tier 3. They also still have a copay for tier 4. Now all have a deductible for tiers 3-5 which they didn't have last year.Why in the hell would they use the standard 25% cost rather than what the client actually pays? Another reason most Tier 3's are also a %. If a client is taking over $1000.00/month then they can at least pay their full $2000.00 max oop. BCBS MA is only plan I've seen so far that still has a $47.00 tier 3 copay on their MAPD's.
This was the main concern of the Aetna lady I listened to, using the 25% and also getting screwed on the awesome smoothing idea someone dreamed up. I wonder if the people who approved this bill had any idea how bad they were gonna screw up the PDP's.