The Current State Of ObamaCare - ACA

Your pointing out lack of politeness, arrogance and antagonism on this forum? REALLY?? I started out talking about real ways to reduce medical consumption and hopefully lower healthcare costs pointing out that previous attempts like associations selling plans across state lines, fraternal benefit societies, tort reform (OK and Texas BTW lowest malpractice rates yet now highest medical inflation rate) did not work. Next thing you know I'm a Obama loving libertard with high school grammar. Geez! If you took offense to selling t-notes I apologise. No need to respond as I am done with this forum and won't my time.

I think even high school kids know the difference between "your" and "you're". And apologize is with a "z", not an "s". As for you being "a Obama loving libertard" (it should be "an Obama..."), I never said that. Had to make sure we covered all of the high school grammar issues you referenced. :D

Not even sure how to respond to you questioning me taking offense to selling t-notes. I simply pointed out I never said we didn't. You implied I said it. I just clarified that I didn't.

Poor fella took his ball and went home. You can dish it out, but you can't take it. Figured a seasoned guy like you would have thicker skin.
Scott, JTF is all over the boards and in general, has no clue what he is talking about.

And yes, I have had her blocked for several days now. Only way to enjoy her words of "wisdom" is to read the quote balloon.
Scott, JTF is all over the boards and in general, has no clue what he is talking about. And yes, I have had her blocked for several days now. Only way to enjoy her words of "wisdom" is to read the quote balloon.

Well, it looks as if s/he is done. So no more "wisdom".