The Current State Of ObamaCare - ACA

Healthcare CEO's are making a killing off of this trillion dollar boondoggle. That's the only reason they love Obamacare. Meanwhile, the families they serve are going broke, due to increasing premiums and out-of-pocket costs. What do you bet that all of them are Hillary supporters, and not because they like her as a candidate.

""Health care in the U.S. has become a deeply partisan issue with Democrats wanting to continue with or expand the Affordable Care Act, commonly known as Obamacare, while Republicans tout their "repeal and replace" plan. But health care leaders have spoken out in favor of the Affordable Care Act.

Modern Healthcare surveyed a "CEO Power Panel" of executives from "hospitals, insurance companies, physician groups, trade associations and other not-for-profit advocacy groups" and found more than two-thirds of CEOs oppose repealing the ACA.""

Source: Study shows health care CEOs overwhelmingly support Obamacare - AOL (If you visit this site, be aware that it is heavy with ads)
The press is starting to "get it". Watch the video.

Insurers are looking for Obamacare price hikes

I watched the video, they are only starting to get it, they still don't understand what is going on. Dan Mangan, who seems to be a guy at CNBC who is supposed to be knowledgeable, says that consumers can shop for lower cost plans-where exactly can they do that if there are only 1 or 2 companies on the Exchange in a particular area?

The whole system needs to radically change, it is set up to help low income people and/or those serious health issues and the expense of everyone else. Why should a family of 4 in good health over 400% FPL get stuck paying 2X their former rate (pre-ACA) to help subsidize someone in poor health who probably had or has a lifestyle that helped generate that poor health?
The whole system needs to radically change, it is set up to help low income people and/or those serious health issues and the expense of everyone else. Why should a family of 4 in good health over 400% FPL get stuck paying 2X their former rate (pre-ACA) to help subsidize someone in poor health who probably had or has a lifestyle that helped generate that poor health?

I hope there are enough +350% FPL Individual Family Plan voters in this country to make a difference at election time. Hillary is a "level the playing field" advocate. That's not good for anyone with a decent income.
Dan Mangan, who seems to be a guy at CNBC who is supposed to be knowledgeable, says that consumers can shop for lower cost plans-where exactly can they do that if there are only 1 or 2 companies on the Exchange in a particular area?

You just highlighted the difference between "can shop" and "can purchase".

Words intended to be seen by millions are carefully selected, that's no slip or mistake.
You just highlighted the difference between "can shop" and "can purchase".

Words intended to be seen by millions are carefully selected, that's no slip or mistake.

It was actually stated in response to a question so no one wrote out a script for him, it's what he thinks is the truth and that is the problem.

The other reporter made the comment that the Marketplace was going to be only for those with low income or health issues and the rest would 'have to look elsewhere'. Where exactly is 'elsewhere' other than getting a job with health benefits-even there the cost of dependent coverage is as high (or higher) than Off Exchange plans.

As long as the media continues to report things in this manner the public will never truly understand what a mess this is and it will take years to reach that point.
71 percent of people who have plans through the ObamaCare marketplace or Medicaid said their healthcare plans were good, very good or excellent,

Of course they like it. They are getting something for almost nothing. Although I am a bit surprised the folks on Medicaid are happy