The Current State Of ObamaCare - ACA

I don't put much stock in the musings by either candidate. Remember Comrade Obama was going to lower health insurance premiums by $2500 and bend the cost curve.

Covered CA dr directory smack down: :goofy:

Study: San Diego doctors reject Covered California patients most often |

Faced with complaints from constituents and advocacy groups, state Legislators passed Senate Bill 137 in October. The bill requires all health plans to update their online directories weekly and printed copies quarterly. It also allows insurers to withhold payment to medical providers who don't respond to directory information requests and holds carriers responsible for extra health costs incurred by patients who made medical decisions based on faulty directory information.
July 29, 2016

Latest study: Premiums for 2016 metal plans are lower than 2013 pre-metal plans.


Apparently my state is backwards in more ways than I thought. Illinois premiums are much higher today than they were in 2013.

Nope.... spot on.... looks to be only 9% here in the only great state..................................................................................HOWEVER, good luck with that major hospital in Dallas Ft. Worth. WEEEEE!!!!
SHOP is a blinking neon sign of a failure, but they still try to spin it like it's something positive.

3 years out, here's an enrollment report.

They mention NY leading enrollment, but leave out that early projections were looking at 100k businesses and 400k+ employees enrolled.

3 years in, there's 3,700 small groups totaling under 15k employees, less than 4% of their target.

Some of their spins are laughable. "State-run SHOPS report that insurer participation is high, with 13 SHOPs offering coverage options from three insurers or more".

Keep in mind, they don't mean 3 state-wide, or 3 in all counties, they mean 3 total in the state, even if every county only has one option... 4 don't even have that...
SHOP is a joke, I don't know any agents that have actually set up a SHOP policy. I'm absolutely dreading the requirement to migrate my only DC-based group to the DC Health Link state exchange which is a nightmare to deal with. Fortunately they only have about 9 or 10 employees.