The Future of Health Care Reform

I am expecting to get a refund back every year once it is up and running.

You mean like those tax cuts for 95% of Americans?

How's that extra $8 per week working for you? It allows me to buy a decent bottle of wine every few weeks.

Thank you, Obamaman.
You mean like those tax cuts for 95% of Americans?

How's that extra $8 per week working for you? It allows me to buy a decent bottle of wine every few weeks.

Thank you, Obamaman.

I just lost the $8 week to this weeks postal rate increase thanks to the efficiency of government run operations that are pretending to not be government run, speaking of health care.

Probably Wall Mart, the evil empire, has done more to lower the cost of drugs and experiment with walk-in health care than the government will get around to in the next ten years but they are making a profit and we dont want that. It is more important that no one make a profit than that the price be lower.
My taxes are going to go to $0 under Obama.

Although this great reduction is coming I am not looking forward to it. I would rather pay the tax.

p.s. This is because my income is going to $0, I left that part out.
Medical costs are ridiculous in the US. It seems that the system is setup to pay the max # of people, the max # of $s.

When I first moved to Japan, I was very worried about the level of service I would get in the national plan. As I am moving back, I am more worried about being able to get coverage in the first place, and how much it might cost me and my family.

The system is broken right now. In other threads I have seen posters say that poor people don't deserve insurance, since they are holding the rest of us back. I believe that everyone deserves basic health insurance. I know it will hurt some of us selling policies, but if anything, I hope that a national plan will provide competition for the private plans. Then us salesmen can sell a better product to those that can afford it, and those that can't or don't want the higher priced option, can have basic care for a reasonable price.

I just went to a here in Japan yesterday (after being thrown hard in Aikido), and I had 3 x-rays at his office and actually saw the Dr for a few minutes. This cost me less than $20 for the visit.

I pay about $200 a month for my family of 6.

I know that some of us will be hurt by this, but the system we have in the US hurts many more Americans. Those that can't afford a basic office visit.

Maybe it will be more like selling LTC ins. Fewer will sell policies, but those that do will get higher commissions. I hope it will workout for America & Americans, not just the insurance companies like it does today.
I just went to a here in Japan yesterday (after being thrown hard in Aikido), and I had 3 x-rays at his office and actually saw the Dr for a few minutes. This cost me less than $20 for the visit.

I pay about $200 a month for my family of 6.

Japan's individual income tax rates, including local taxes, are among the highest in the world.

$20 and $200 a month huh?
Medical costs are ridiculous in the US. It seems that the system is setup to pay the max # of people, the max # of .

When I first moved to Japan, I was very worried about the level of service I would get in the national plan. As I am moving back, I am more worried about being able to get coverage in the first place, and how much it might cost me and my family.

The system is broken right now. In other threads I have seen posters say that poor people don't deserve insurance, since they are holding the rest of us back. I believe that everyone deserves basic health insurance. I know it will hurt some of us selling policies, but if anything, I hope that a national plan will provide competition for the private plans. Then us salesmen can sell a better product to those that can afford it, and those that can't or don't want the higher priced option, can have basic care for a reasonable price.

I just went to a here in Japan yesterday (after being thrown hard in Aikido), and I had 3 x-rays at his office and actually saw the Dr for a few minutes. This cost me less than $20 for the visit.

I pay about $200 a month for my family of 6.

I know that some of us will be hurt by this, but the system we have in the US hurts many more Americans. Those that can't afford a basic office visit.

Maybe it will be more like selling LTC ins. Fewer will sell policies, but those that do will get higher commissions. I hope it will workout for America & Americans, not just the insurance companies like it does today.

It's broke because the Government got into it in the 1st place. Uf they want to fix it. They need to get out of the way. I know that will never happen and I am looking to change careers this year.