The Future of Health Care Reform

Health-care debate heats up as Senate, House grapple with plans -

This is gonna be 1993 all over again. When we actually get extremely close to major changes in health care the divides get so deep almost no one can agree on a plan.

Combine that with that fact that at least a third of the senate is bought and paid for by some sector of the health care industry and we will have NO major change in say....oh 20 years.

When Obama can't count on party support it's all dead in the water. Heck, Obama's plan won't even get past the House - forget about the Senate.

For all you "universal health care is coming" wing nuts - just sit back, grab some popcorn and watch the show. You're gonna see nothing happen at the speed of light.
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What these mad scientists in Washington dont realize is that the insurance industry is not a cost driver its a cost payer. Premiums passed on the clients are the results of charges by physicians, hospitals that are always increasing and the rising cost of life saving and extending care; especially drugs.

Transferring who pays from the individual to the government dole or who provides insurance from the private carrier to the federal ovenment will do nothing to lover cost. All it will do is increase bureaucracy which will just raise the cost of the healthcare system.

The only way to lower costs is to pay doctors and hospitals less for services and pay less for drugs and that means cost controls for the healthcare providers not transfer of authority from one insurer to another. However that has problems too for instance less students becoming doctors because they wouldnt make a professional income instead they would earn a civil servants pay. Which is the exact reason so many foreign physicians have immigrated here; to escape that situation back home.
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No one will beat the system. If you offer "free health care" and hold down profits for doctors, hospitals and drug companies you stunt innovation.

Technological advancement dies and you end up with...well, France.
No one will beat the system. If you offer "free health care" and hold down profits for doctors, hospitals and drug companies you stunt innovation.

Technological advancement dies and you end up with...well, France.

I'm afraid I don't know...can you explain about France?