The Health Insurance Store

Barry -

Think kiosk.

Strip mall.

Any month other than November & December.

You could also do the same in a grocery store. Local Kroger has folks hawking cell phones.

I've always wondered how a kiosk would do at the mall. But I feel so sorry for those "Gutter Guard" reps who sit there all day as thousands of people walk by.

However, a round kiosk with several computers could be very interesting. People could enter in their info online and print out quotes.
I've always wondered how a kiosk would do at the mall. But I feel so sorry for those "Gutter Guard" reps who sit there all day as thousands of people walk by.

However, a round kiosk with several computers could be very interesting. People could enter in their info online and print out quotes.

HaHa. I used to sell Gutter Guard back in the day ;)
Lol. Yeah, the guy in his 50's at the Gutter Guard kiosk is right next to the chiropractic kiosk that everyone's walking by. Then you have the aggressive kiosk people trying to grab everyone who walks past. The only ones I see who are busy are jewelery and toys.
Kiosk Retailing

This is where my wife and I started our business back in 1994. We at one time had 13 locations through out Michigan. If anybody is interested in this idea, let me know. I can give you all the ins and outs of the process, and the costs. This is also one of the marketing plans I intend on using. There are some malls that will let you do as little as a three day lease, like a Friday, Saturday, and Sunday deal.
The idea I'd like to implement is simply un-manned kiosks: - just scroll down to the second set of pics under "Display on Demand."

Stick those basically everywhere with your agency information. You could get fantastic brochures printed. Looks like basic pricing has them at $600+ a pop depending on feature.

I'm clueless on how much a place like a mall would charge in monthly rent to place them. But you could get creative and have them placed basically anywhere.