The Health Insurance Store

No Bob, they will only appoint brokers for group.

IFP distribution is only through their "contracted general agencies" - contracted Bx only shops.

My name is J.R.

It appears that BCBS operates the same as they do up here in MD. I did recently find out that I can get appointed directly with them after showing proof of having written 150+ cases. However, their are no added benefits, which to me doesn't make much sense. I'm not a big fan of all the hoops agents have to jump through to get contracts with life and health insurance companies.
Paul -

Is BX FL part of Anthem/Wellpoint?

They are in GA and are wanting to eliminate 80% of their brokers. Last 2 yrs have been a disaster for them. They now take 1 - 2 months to underwrite vs. 2 days in the past. New biz rates are at least 10% above the market in most situations and renewals are horrendous. They will rider AND rate up existing conditions (charge 20 - 40% extra but will not cover the px condition). And on top of it all, many of their employees left to work for Coventry when they entered the individual market.

Of course all that did was move some of the same problem employees from BX to Coventry . . . and it shows.
Paul -

Is BX FL part of Anthem/Wellpoint?

No, they're not Bob, but there's been rumors that they're a crown jewel for one of the for-profit Blues holding companies that would love to acquire them...

Massive share in MedSupp (a game I don't play in).

They're big, old and sluggish. Bad service - be prepared to wait on hold for an hour on an 800 number to Jax.

Low, low comp on IFP.

Underwriting? 8 weeks minimum. They'll APS it if the person is even thinking of getting sick in the next 10 years...

Still using PAPER apps.
GA BX finally gave us e-apps 2 yrs ago and free BX websites. Ahh, those were the days of cheap rates and 24 - 48 hour turn around.

Here they pull records if you were EVER covered by Blue. Since almost none of their records are computerized, that means an Indiana Jones trek to the dungeon where Quasimoto is the keeper of the files. Once they retrieve and review them, then they decide if they want an APS.

Had one guy who INSISTED on BX last year. Only had HTN controlled by med. They took 5 months and then came back and asked for an APS.

Amazing these guys are still in business. They can't find their butt with both hands.

Several yrs ago I was recruited by FL BX to work in their HO. Glad I never accepted their offer.
I know the Florida Blue concept is working....or is it. 33 policies per week in a mall with very heavy traffic is "so so." If any one of us tried to pull that off with as-earned Blue Cross commish, rent and advertising expenses we'd be filing for BK in six months.
Exactly - well said.

Imagine your first client coming in pulling their oxygen tank behind them. Bottom line this is not a guaranteed issue business - so you are going to run a lot of people away unless you get into the mini med junk and take that liability...

33 policies a week - with that overhead is horrible. I can do more than that in my underwear in my home office.