The Master Plan


GA Medicare Expert
5000 Post Club
Obamacare is part of an insidious master plan to convert to a single payer system of health care.

Here is a step by step view into the future.

Issue mandates that require health insurance companies to raise premiums by double or more.

Dictate loss ratio's and limit rate increases to the point that carriers no longer want to be involved.

Drive everyone into Medicaid or Medicare.

All of this can be accomplished within the next 5 years if we continue on this path.

On the other side we have this.

Health insurance carriers will jettison underwriters, claims and marketing staffs.

Doctors will join HMO's or hospital/clinic staffs or retire.

Med schools will see enrollment drop, even with free govt supported tuition.

Demand for health care will outstrip supply of medical practitioners.

Most health care R&D will come to a halt.

The govt is attempting to make it impossible for carriers to remain in the game and be profitable which will shift more people into a system that is financially unsustainable.

More benefit dollars flow to Medicare and Medicaid than are returned in tax revenues. This, in spite of the fact that M/M pay 30 - 40% less than insurance carriers pay for the same services.

The public will be moved from one system that some say is dysfunctional into one that has never worked efficiently and never will.

This is our future.
You are correct and the future is not bright for our nation or for those in this business.
It's been obvious from the start that the playing field has been set to make it impossible for private insurance to remain viable.

I agree with the 5 year timeframe for single payer.

Single payer 5 years from reform implementation. So the complete meltdown is in 2019. Question; how many jobs will be lost that are directly or indirectly tied to the private health insurance industry?
meet in Destin Florida next week to fish

I don't fish, but I drink. Can I still come?

NOLA, it can be fixed. It is not too late. We need to find some true fiscal conservatives who understand the private sector.

The good news is, there are plenty of them around.

The bad news is, most of them want nothing to do with Washington.