Originally Posted by moonlightandmargaritasToday's weather in Tampa, Fla: Blue sky sunny, a gentle breeze and 76 right now on the old therm-mo-meter.Actually thousands are moving to Jerkwater, Virginia? It's good that it's nice in Miami. That way the paramedics stay warm as they pick up the wounded(have you seen COPS), the flamers won't catch a cold in South Beach, the hookers will stay warm at night, it will be really pleasant at the gay pride parade, the stars cocaine won't clump together and they will be warm as they smoke their crack, you can roll your windows down as you sit in traffic, the Dophins can watch the Super Bowl on a television outdoors, and all of the illegals will feel like they are at home.
I guess it's why so many millions are clamoring to move to Jerkwater, Virginia.
I'd rather pay taxes than live in that scumpit. If the United States needed an enema, Miami would be the place they would insert the hose.
Keep trying....
Set the bong down Da Wayne! He said he was from Tampa not Miami! Miami is the atlantic coast and Tampa is the gulf coast. They are two hundred miles apart. By the way Miami cant hold a candle to hell holes like Atlanta and New York City.