The Supreme Court votes to keep the Affordable Care Act in place

Congress passed the law, it is a D+ insurance plan as it stands. Why should supreme court get involved in fixing a bad law. It is nor Supreme Courts job to fix poorly drafted laws. And this is where elections have consequences. Republicans had the votes, did not fix it, they focused too much on removing Obama's name, not enough on lowering costs. I am also happy it is not decided by party lines at the supreme court, because I do not want Democrats to push to pack the court. Republicans should push for a simple plan that lowers costs, gives credit for those who make premium credits for 3 years or more, get rid off state lines for health insurance, give longer patent protection to prescription drugs that lower costs. Markets will take care the rest. I would also make it easy for foreign doctors to immigrate and practice here, combined with getting rid off state licensing restrictions.
Ummm, repubs never had 60 votes in senate to repeal ACA. They only had 50+ votes to change the financing of it thru budget reconciliation, which they did, but had unintended consequences like the silver load that increased tax credits. They Also made penalty 0%.
The fallacy of Aca is it doesn’t take into account assets when determining subsidies . I know many people that own businesses and manipulate their income and are paying $60-$100 a month for $10 copays and $1400 max out of pocket . Several of these people have millions of $’s of assets . Aca is being abused greatly .
The fallacy of Aca is it doesn’t take into account assets when determining subsidies . I know many people that own businesses and manipulate their income and are paying $60-$100 a month for $10 copays and $1400 max out of pocket . Several of these people have millions of $’s of assets . Aca is being abused greatly .
Thats how most of our social assistance programs work. You can have all your money in Roth IRA and permanent cash value life insurance, you will qualify for 95% of our social assistance programs. And if you want to retire before age 65, that is the perfect portfolio to have until you qualify for Medicare. We call this the Medicare for all program. You just have to plan for it early in life.