Thinking of going on my own, Advice Please!

Northern IN - Michigan City, grew up on Lake Michigan. I left there back in '78 but still have family living there. I miss it a lot - the fishing in CO sucks. Don't worry, I knew it was a joke.
Too bad you don't know much about regular insurance. My aunt, uncle and cousins are a bit south of you in Ossian.

Wow, they are like 15 minutes from me. I assume by regular insurance that you mean major medical. I hope you are saying I don't knwo much bout insurance in general. I think I actually have a couple clients in ossian and the surrounding areas.

If they are looking for annuities or med supps have them call me right now. If they want major medical don't mention me. Unless thet are completely unhappy. For major med I call a brokerage and tehy tell me whats best. I don't deal with it. I havent wrote a health policy for people not on medicare since I started with UA back in 2002.

Brocko, you moved out of state before I was born.
Contact Erie. I think they sell in Indiana. They work with scratch Agents and people with no Insurance experience.
Does anyone know anything about the Smart Choice. How much commission do they take. Is it hard to leave the program and are there cancelation fees. I read that you get to keep and own your book of business.
You get 70% commission. The maximum commission they take in a year is $15,000. You own the business, and when you want to get out from under the SmartChoice umbrella, you just have to pay them 50% one years commissions and the payments can be made over 18 months. Buyout will never exceed $50,000.
Thanks for the info saieddie, sorry it took so long to reply just moved into a new house.