This Ain't Sheet ...


1000 Post Club
This will end.
We will get our money again I think.
Look, the only reason these cos. EVER put out 20 / 5 was because they needed sales support.
It don't happen for them otherwise. What's happened so far? All these dummycrats accomplished was to make it difficult for people to get coverage for their kids ...
All people are gonna remember come the next federal is that the economy still blows and they didn't get their promised free health insurance grab bag.
Commissions have changed before with different cos. under different circumstances. remember when Celtic tried 10 / 10? How'd that work out? Yeah, I know, MLR applies to all cos. but this whole deal is gonna get repealed and as one company tries to attract more agents via a higher comish; others will follow.
Those of us that have been pimp'n 10+ years are gonna survive this but a lot of newbies are gonna bolt; I can't imagine starting from scratch under these conditions. And forget about new recruits ... This will hurt these carriers and they will do what they have to do to keep that chang roll'n in. i wouldn't miss the next 3 - 4 mos. for the world.
You are right on one thing. The carriers business will suffer with reduced comp.

They are already seeing a drop off in business. Healthy people are not buying or dropping coverage they have. This leaves them with a higher percentage of sick people relative to the total premium base which drives premiums even higher.

You can blame Obamacrap for some of the rate increases and rightly so, but more of the blame goes to the stalled economy and Obama's failed plans to stimulate.

Losers that voted for this clown have nothing to complain about. They were living off the tit before and still are.

But there are also educated, intelligent people that listened to his message and bought into that crap. Talk about buyers remorse.

Might take 6 months for carriers to figure out they shot themselves in the foot and actually do something.
I hope it takes 2 years for comp to return to where it was a year ago. I REALLY want to see a lot of the deadwood drop out of the insurance business and open up a lot of competition or even "interviewing" for the position of broker.

That would make me happy.
I think MLR will have to be adjusted to State Based or something much broader than per policy.
I think MLR will have to be adjusted to State Based or something much broader than per policy.

F MLR; you missed the point.
Carriers NEED us. They would never have paid any more than necessary before Obama drama came to town.
F state based. Free markets Homey. They pay in accordance with whatever they can get away with.
They crapp'n their pants believe me.
you shoulda heard the gumbie UHC rep during our webinare last week.
F MLR; you missed the point.
Carriers NEED us. They would never have paid any more than necessary before Obama drama came to town.
F state based. Free markets Homey. They pay in accordance with whatever they can get away with.
They crapp'n their pants believe me.
you shoulda heard the gumbie UHC rep during our webinare last week.

There is no doubt the employees of the carriers are worried.
The employees of the carriers are about to make a lot less.

I have a meeting this week with one of my small group reps
with him and executive. My guess is the executive is looking if they can do away with his job.

I agree 100% that the MLR needs to be repeal but if its not then we need a much broader definition.
ins dave-
Reality check time. HCR is not getting repealed. If there is a mandate and if there exchanges (we can debate those items) agents are relatively disposable. Sorry-just as I see it.
ins dave-
Reality check time. HCR is not getting repealed. If there is a mandate and if there exchanges (we can debate those items) Sorry-just as I see it.

"agents are relatively disposable."

I would have thought the same thing when EHealth and insurance cos. websites came on the scene ... were we disposed off?
I'd say someone has a relatively low opinion of himself ...?
We'll see.