Thoughts on where We Go from Here with IFP?

Well, I have a sizeable book, so I'd think that personal lines would be a good fit. I just have no familiarity with the contracting required etc. I know it's a totally different animal. I was hoping to find an independent agency that might allow me to sell products they are already appointed to sell & give me a %. I think it would be a "win-win", since I would be bringing a fairly large book with me & if ever I exited the P&C piece, they would still have revenue from those folks. Not sure - have to think more about it. . . .but that's where I see the quickest entry.

I really want to find products that don't require these types of enrollment periods - I don't mind service work at all.


November 2010 I diversified into personal lines P&C offering this product line to my existing book of business. We access these markets through Smart Choice. You will need to work with an agency or aggregator unless you can successfully prove to a carrier that you can write at least 200k-300k in annual premium in the first year. The first thing I noticed was that the close rate was much lower than health insurance is. To write a meaningful amount of personal lines P&C you must be set up to quote a lot ( 200-300) per month.The quoting is quite time consuming and it is for these reasons that this has not worked well for me. Good Luck..
I'm split up in equal shares,
1/3 Employer Group
1/3 Med Supp
1/3 IFP

The Employer Group is treading water.
IFP, dying a very slow death.
Med Supp is now my bread & butter!
November 2010 I diversified into personal lines P&C offering this product line to my existing book of business. We access these markets through Smart Choice. You will need to work with an agency or aggregator unless you can successfully prove to a carrier that you can write at least 200k-300k in annual premium in the first year. The first thing I noticed was that the close rate was much lower than health insurance is. To write a meaningful amount of personal lines P&C you must be set up to quote a lot ( 200-300) per month.The quoting is quite time consuming and it is for these reasons that this has not worked well for me. Good Luck..

Thanks. I appreciate the insight. I'd heard about the volume requirements, so I hoped if I couldl find an agency that is set up, and making those numbers already. hoped I could find one agency like that who could give me a percentage.
The time required is my hold back for p/c as well. I can just picture a huge ice storm or hail storm during Medicare AEP, that would cook my goose.

I have an agency that I probably could tag onto, we get asked constantly about other lines of insurance, just don't know about the time demand and the fit with our current situation.
I don't have time or energy for a class action lawsuit, but we'd win for sure!

1. Cut in commissions for no justifiable reason. We can write & service business for less money than they can through their own employee agent channel. Yet rates go up!

2. competing with us for our clients, baraging them with emails, calls, texts to enroll. The States have the authority to require licensing and continuing ed and have been over run by the Fed's Navigators. Navigators who get full benefits and have no personal investment in building a business or the risks that go with it. The gov't pays, yet the rates go up!

3. Halt to future commission on new business- yes 0% is the new norm from United Healthcare & Humana. Several carriers went under due to not being profitable. Rates were all filed with agent compensation, so they should be required to finish the year paying agents. The reinsurance fee doesn't help us. The rates continue to rise.

Where do we go from here besides the bar? We're sorely needed. I wrote a policy for free last night since I felt so sorry for the clueless couple needing to enroll. People have no idea how much we care to help others.

There's lots of opportunities, not all in this business. Clear your head of this garbage after this open enrollment is over. Get creative and pick an industry that's more fun so you have less headaches next Fall.
The time required is my hold back for p/c as well. I can just picture a huge ice storm or hail storm during Medicare AEP, that would cook my goose. I have an agency that I probably could tag onto, we get asked constantly about other lines of insurance, just don't know about the time demand and the fit with our current situation.

Well then, maybe a referral arrangement might work. Just trying to think of other "non enrollment" related ways to augment income all year. . .
You could always become CPA/Tax Prep, I imagine this would only work in a local face to face shop. I'm not opposed to that, if the money was worth it.
I avoided that avenue due to another government dictated time frame. Not to say I haven't considered it since, but it doesn't seem like something I'd enjoy.
I don't want to be around when subsidies are adjusted at tax time. Too many people tell me the income needed to get the monthly premium affordable. No matter how I explain they will owe it back at tax time, they don't believe it will bite them later.
You could always become CPA/Tax Prep, I imagine this would only work in a local face to face shop. I'm not opposed to that, if the money was worth it.

How does selling health insurance qualify anyone to become a tax advisor/CPA without years of education and training? And don't tell me about the company that was recruiting health agents to expand into taxes, that was about as worthless as Obamacare.