Tired of Prima Dona GA's

PS: I don't care one way or another personally. I don't expect much from an FMO.

Perfect...The most I use a FMO for is a quick info dump on whats new...I try and stay on top of the Annuity business but dealing with so many carriers and things change all the time it is helpful to call an FMO and get their take on a situation....However I then turn around and call 2 or 3 other FMOs I deal with because they are going to only point me towards products they rep (Which is reasonable) allowing me to quickly narrow down 100+ products to just two or three.

Concerning a quick qoute, I typically do NOT run appointments with my laptop as I've found the vast majority of the time I use it it leads the client to asking what if we do this and its so easy to come up with 10 different proposals leading to the client not wanting to make a decision so I normally run my proposals prior to the appointment but it is helpful if something unexpected comes up to be able to place a quick call and get a quick number.

My biggest complaint would not be anything to do with uplines but with carriers...I would love to see a rule where they are only allowed to update their forms once per quarter so from Jan 1 through March 31st I don't have to constantly check to make sure I have the most up to date form...Its just a pet peeve of mine, I'll never forget the call from American Equity that I had used an out of date form and it seems I downloaded the form from their website and the appt was pushed back 2 weeks and then had another week of the TPA taking its time signing and then I looked at the form so I could tell my client what the changes where they where signing to and after reading the forms 5 times I put them side by side and went word for word and the only difference was the form date on the bottom.
Running an illustration from time to time isn't an issue. If an agent needs help learning to run illustrations, I'll show them. Just show me that you appreciate my time by places cases with me.
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Agent 1

200K premium a year. 5% override = $10,000 yr.
5 yrs. = $50,000.

This agent is consistent and requires little assistance.

Agent 2

25K premium a year. 15% override = $3,750 yr.

This agent calls all the time. Requires a lot of time. May be out of business soon.

Does this case make sense?

PS: I don't care one way or another personally. I don't expect much from an FMO.

You're just making numbers up. How many agents do you think actually write anywhere *near* $200k/year in premium?

You're totally missing the point here. It's the whinny little biznatch 25k/year agents that want all that time AND only wants an upline to get a 5% override, those are the ones this forum has helped create. If the guy that needs a lot of help gets a street or just below street contract *and* gets support, there is a much better chance they won't starve out of the business soon.
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CALTC, go back and read post 6, that's where you commented about illustrations as part of a package deal.
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CALTC, go back and read post 6, that's where you commented about illustrations as part of a package deal.

I did?

I do not see anything about illustrations in my posts. You might be on something, lol.

My feeling is do your own illustrations. I get mad at FMO's when they try to sell me on them doing illustrations for me.
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What does training mean from a GA? Most of them don't do anything but recruit agents to increase their book, and know less than any agent with two marbles rolling around in their heads with 3-6 months experience.

I actually find myself training them on some of the products in their portfolio of carriers. This has got to be one of the most annoying, and misleading statements that I hear tossed around. Anyone that expects to be "trained" by a GA needs to find a job.
Seems to be a recent outbreak of GA reps that think there time is way too valuable to do the work that a GA is suppose to do...like running proposals and providing accurate product information.

They will promise you the moon to get your business but once they do, you're suppose to crawl through broken glass to get anything done.

My job is to help the client, their job is to help me. While many run for the school bus at 5:00 pm, I'm working. While many are at home at night watching T.V., I'm out seeing clients. Gets old after awhile...

I've been there. A friend of mine found a GA willing to be the back office and take all of the apps and signatures on behalf of him. All he has to do is market himself, build relationships and then perform reviews if needed.
Thanks for the response to this thread. We've been hoping since the last post in 2011 you'd chime in.


You're welcome. Judging from the sarcasim, I guess you must be a Prima Dona GA yourself. Just an FYI, you can always unfollow a thread.
You're welcome. Judging from the sarcasim, I guess you must be a Prima Dona GA yourself. Just an FYI, you can always unfollow a thread.

First, I'm not a recruiter so clearly the "GA" title doesn't fit.

Second, if you have such a thin skin perhaps you should only post on a cupcake forum.

Third, get a sense of humor.

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