Top 3 FMO's

I can say that Thad Sipple has been very nice to work with. He has offered to get me trained and said I can call him anytime I have a question.

Somehow he has managed to a answer his phone every time Ive called and he shared some good presentation tips with me even though he doesn't have my contracts yet.

Thanks Thad!!!


I have heard that you are his only agent. He better pick up.:D:D:D
Thanks for the mentions guys. There are plenty of BAD choices of FMOs out there. The ones mentioned in this thread are all good ones.

What makes these good choices? I'm glad you asked.

1. High contracts. We and the others mentioned work on much thinner margins than most FMOs are willing to do. Our average contract is 115% and 10-year renewals plus some have lifetime renewal. It's very easy to buy leads and make a great profit if your commissions are right.

2. Releases- hugely important and very few FMOs outside of us three will give releases freely. This is the agent's protection that if we aren't staying competitive with anything out there, you have the ability to leave. If an FMO won't release (most won't) he has no pressure to keep the agents happy.

3. Training. All three of us offer a way for new AND experienced agents to follow the best practices of successful producers.

4. Leads-You need to have people to see every day or you are out of business.

The three of us are all in competition with each other for the best agents. That's what keeps us all improving and not getting too comfortable. It doesn't offend me to lose a prospective agent to Todd or Ben/Brad/360 because I know they are a good place to be also.

But I am shocked at some of the choices agents make when FMOs wave shines trinkets in front of them. Reduced commissions for "discounted" leads is a horrible mistake. The leads turn out to be garbage 100% of the time but the agent is always stuck with a crummy contract and no chance of getting a release.

So check out where you are going carefully. Like carpenters always say...measure twice, cut once.
I know he is, he stole Mine.....:D:D

I listened in on a webinar yesterday about a company's CI/Cancer programs. It was hosted by one of the large IMOs.. I noticed when they got to the question segment, I was the only one asking a question.. Clicked on the participants link and discovered I was the only one in attendance....They are hurtin' . I ain't good 'nuff to be the only one! :no::biggrin:
I listened in on a webinar yesterday about a company's CI/Cancer programs. It was hosted by one of the large IMOs.. I noticed when they got to the question segment, I was the only one asking a question.. Clicked on the participants link and discovered I was the only one in attendance....They are hurtin' . I ain't good 'nuff to be the only one! :no::biggrin:

Did they answer your question correctly?
Wow, not even an honorable mention... That breaks my apathetic little heart...

Regardless of who you go with they should own the lead process not resell someone else's leads. It's the only way to ensure your lead flow. Like was stated earlier "120% of 0 is zero". Contract level matters little with no sales.

I would recommend... wait for it.... Me!

The Pros: Right now I'm really looking to expand the base shop so I'm offering Street Level contracts (100% to 120% depending on carrier) and access to our site, training, and our local and exclusive leads (discounted for our agents). We own the process and generate quality leads. We provide many leads for agents in this forum.

The Cons: if you feel you do need a lot of hand holding since you're new to the industry (and not saying that's bad) we are not the one. We have a TON of training available, but it's all video based along with a Monthly Sale Call. Zero rah rah calls.

Do your due diligence. Look at all the pros and cons (though most won't admit their cons).

Best Regards,