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Howard Dean fesses up - can't fight trial lawyers:

It seems amazing that this true cost-saver, tort reform, isn't even part of the proposal.
Dean says Obamacare authors don't want to challenge trial lawyers | Washington ExaminerDean says Obamacare authors don't want to challenge trial lawyers By: Mark Tapscott 08/26/09 5:50 PM EDT
...[F]ormer Democratic National Committee chairman and presidential candidate Howard Dean let something incredibly candid slip out about President Obama's health-care reform bill in Congress.
Asked by an audience member why the legislation does nothing to cap medical malpractice class-action lawsuits against doctors and medical institutions (aka "Tort reform"), Dean responded by saying: "The reason tort reform is not in the [health care] bill is because the people who wrote it did not want to take on the trial lawyers in addition to everybody else they were taking on. And that's the plain and simple truth,"
Those contributions are why Dean knows it would be a difficult task indeed for Obama to persuade congressional Democrats to do anything that might offend the trial-lawyers lobby

It seems amazing that this true cost-saver, tort reform, isn't even part of the proposal.