Touchy Subjects: Race and Gender when Selling Insurance

The number 3 producer in my worksite company is a woman and she is black. I don't know the specifics of what type of industries or areas she targets though.
I am white and prospect for FE in black neighborhoods, probably about 80% of the time.

Most of them still remember when the insurance man stopped by their house to collect monthly premiums.

They also have seen death enough times to know what happens when a loved one suddenly dies, and a family has to come up with the cash for the burial (often which they don't have or don't want to pay).

With that said, prospecting for FE, not just in the hood, but in the "wood," is also good, too. Better response rates, and more low income earners, of which also understand the important of life insurance.
Okay, so I work for a bunch of very successful men and i've always been told that women, for some reason, don't do as well in our field. Does anyone know any successful women? What are the advantages and disadvantages of gender when selling insurance?

Successful woman agents are not that hard to find. Try finding a successful FE telesales agent that doesn't recruit. You may have better luck finding a unicorn...
I worked in a local office with a lady who was a very large producer for seniors products. I think women have an advantage.
I think JD nailed it. Being willing to do what it requires. I believe that being a woman could only help. I also agree with Mr. Clark.
Good Selling,
I think a lot of agents look past certain places because they're isolated. I think some of the places I've called another agent will never step foot. I wouldn't and couldn't if I wanted to either. I just think we need more women agents in general. It sounds like the ones that stick with it do pretty well. I see this being a growing field for women in the coming years. What I love the most about agents is how different they can be and the different people we can relate to. I've never helped any middle eastern people, though. But that's not from lack of trying lol. I don't think middle eastern people will buy from a woman insurance agent. I've been told meddling around with anything tied to "cash value" or that gains interest is a no-go if you're Muslim, but I'm not sure. I think Muslims can only get term insurance. I've helped a native american family and they were *really* interesting.

I think it's less dangerous for women on the phone. I don't know if I just have bad luck or it's the law of numbers but I've had some real crazies before. You can't hang up when you're sitting in someone's living room and they get into a fight with their husband lol. Maybe I've found a lot of rowdy households that need insurance.

The thing I love the most about Christianity is everyone has a chance to get saved. Everyone. Until you die, that can be changed and it might just happen. I didn't get saved until I was 18 because I'm stubborn. You just haven't felt or seen something to change your mind. When you're 99 I'll call and I bet that'll be a different tune. I really haven't met a 99 year old athiest. You don't get that close to meeting your maker without knowing he's there haha. Some people wait until the last minute to get insurance, some people wait until the last minute to believe in God.
As far as Santa, he may be a story but the Easter bunny and the Thanksgiving turkeybunny are real. And I know for a fact the stork is real, I was dropped by the stork and it's why I can't math.
I am a white guy, I sell in NYC the melting pot, In my experience, African American are the best, they really want insurance, I had appointments with Asians, Polish, Hispanic, Never sold to Asians or Polish, Hispanics were also pretty good.
Asians are tough to sell anything to especially Indians. I have not found those encounters enjoyable.
Getting back on topic----well spoken, intelligent, experienced women have a definite advantage---especially the ones who use their two ears twice as much as their one mouth.
Rambling, flighty, annoying, know-it-all girls don't stand a chance.