Trouble Getting Appointment After Bankruptcy

But what if in you're previous job, you were making just enough to make ends meet (after wise budgeting and all ) and still couldn't afford to put much into savings? Thats the reality for many good, honest, hard working people these days.

The problem - No One knows how to save

If you are budgeting wisely, you should be SAVING 25% of your money every month NO MATTER WHAT! That would protect you from any potential risk for a short time if you were to lose your job. I didn't do it, and I am not blaming anyone but myself for my poor credit score/history.

Not everyone can save I know, but a large portion of the population with bad credit only have themselves to blame.

The problem - No One knows how to save

If you are budgeting wisely, you should be SAVING 25% of your money every month NO MATTER WHAT! That would protect you from any potential risk for a short time if you were to lose your job. I didn't do it, and I am not blaming anyone but myself for my poor credit score/history.

Not everyone can save I know, but a large portion of the population with bad credit only have themselves to blame.


Yep, we lived the "American dream" too - meaning debt to the gills. Two car payments, large house, etc....all which was fine until my wife got laid off and 6 months later the company I was working for went under.

Trashed. Never...ever again. This was 14 years ago and recovery was a painful process.

Mortgage/rent = one week of pay, net. No car payments....ever. Rest of monthly bills = 2nds week's net check with 2 full weeks left over.
What gets people desperate, FOR MONEY, is a drug addiction. Not if they are behind on some bills. Drug testing of agents should be done!

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