Trump Won, Vows Day 1 Full Repeal. Lets Discuss.

Do you really think pricing works this way? SMH

Premium pricing will still depend on the cost of care in a given zip. Just like auto, just like home.


A lot of people just don't get this concept. Almost nobody that is not in the business understands that competition across state lines will have little or no positive impact and might have negative impact as they drive the smaller companies out of business.

It is like hiring through an employment agency located in another state. You are going to have to pay the employee a competitive wage for the market they will work and live in. The address of the headhunter is irrelevant.
Interesting..most of the subsidy patients that I have were Hillary voters. I've found that the opposite is true of what is said in the Media. Most of the people that vocally supported Trump were educated white collar, and those that vocally supported Hillary were mentally disabled (some undiagnosed), or poorly educated and without stable incomes.

Interestingly, I found that most people who supported Trump were ignorant, close-minded, and literally read everything "black-n-white" in their life. (*I actually went to Trump rallies, and have them as my clients, consistently complaining about everything).

I also found Trump supporters, to be racist, and totally unaware of how important multiculturalism is to America - because that is essentially how we became a super-power.

I also found Trump supporters not wanting to pay a solid wage for hard work, and tend to find ways to force-fire your "unstable workers."

I also found Trump supporters not able to read a lick of law, bills, and fully understand what is being put through in Congress. No, no...tsk, tsk: They just love the "Bandwagon."

And, I'm in total disbelief of how you could mock..mentally disabled or the poor in our country; claiming they all basically belong to one political party.

First, I believe in:

"Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me.
I lift my lamp beside the golden door."

You have forgotten these words, and these people you put down: serve your table, pluck your food, cut your grass, mold bricks, and more.

If these are your "patients," you should be willing to give back where "giving back" counts - by wanting to offer them better care and treatment.

I sincerely hope, you never walk in their shoes...because in all honestly, their boots would be too big for you.

*Signed, a Republican who became Democrat.


Gonna be funny when the voters for Trump lose their subsidies..

I agree. And these same people have no idea what is coming down the tunnel, regarding Medicare if they change it.

From what I'm reading now, they want Medicare to be ran like Obamacare. They call their 'subsidies,' "Vouchers."
Gonna be funny when the voters for Trump lose their subsidies..

Interesting..most of the subsidy patients that I have were Hillary voters. I've found that the opposite is true of what is said in the Media. Most of the people that vocally supported Trump were educated white collar, and those that vocally supported Hillary were mentally disabled (some undiagnosed), or poorly educated and without stable incomes.

I had a client today that came to renew.
I said: "Hello, How are you Mrs. X".
She responded: "Great, today is a sunny day, and Trump won!" - with a big smile on her face.
Me: "Great, Mrs. X. Now lets go over your policy...
"This year your policy costs $644/mo, and you are getting $499 of a tax credit, so you end up paying $145, now for the next year your PPO plan will be much more expensive, but we can apply for more of a tax credit for you, which with my calculation will be $650/mo, you can still keep your PPO but you will have to pay $200 more monthly for it, but we can look at some HMO plans so your portion of the premium would be around the same. Mrs. X do you understand that you can only afford this plan because the government pays significant portion of your premium. This is because of the new law, and it is highly likely that you might loose your tax credit, after the outcome of the election"

Still smiling, she was picking a plan, and completely dismissed the fact that, she can only afford health insurance because of "OBAMACARE". She is almost 60, and before ACA never had health insurance, because she couldn't afford it.

I cannot wrap my head around it...
It's called wealth redistribution. Kind of like Robin Hood, except President Obama played the lead roll.

I'm not sure what it is, but I don't think it is wealth redistribution. It is some kind of continuing enabling of medical related business to continue an unequal grabbing of wealth.
Let me see...In the bad old days pre-ex knocked many including me out of buying individual coverage. In today's bad days, I'll likely ride my Jan grace period then bail to UHC's STM for 11 months.

My alternative is to move to my cabin in the woods where BCBST is still writing and pay $20,604 for a family of 3 for a $6,400 OOP X2 family coverage. That's not gonna happen.

Cobbling a group plan together won't work because those plans are in the same pool or at least a pool with similar claims experience as the ACA plans.

We had 1 cluster f headache prior to ACA. Now we have another Cluster f headache.

We can't go back because too many now have coverage that didn't. Perhaps we should give coverage away and have higher OOP based on last year's income instead of doing the subsidy dance and having claims blow premiums through the roof.

My family spent ~ $1,000 in claims and the vast majority of that was for wellness visits. Insuring people with that level of health costs very little.

In the old days when there was still a garment industry in TN, participation on a group would be horrible. We'd cut benefits a very little, enroll everyone and drop the rates drastically. We essentially covered the entire group for the same total premium as was being spent on 1/2 the people. Adding the healthy costs very little. Having proportionally lots of sick people is what is driving rates now.

The crap that politicians spew about carrier competition across state lines and HSAs saving the world is pure unadulterated garbage. They should be strung up for even saying **** like that because not only is it ridiculous it is insulting and a waste of time. **** Trump.

I note that Newt may be Trump's Secy of State. Newt doesn't have any integrity. He's the one who lead the charge of impeachment against Billy for getting a Lewinsky while he (Newt) was banging his then GF (now 25 yrs younger than him wife). Newt's wife at the time was in the hospital dying of cancer. You can't make this stuff up. I'll say it again - **** Trump.
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The left just doesn't seem to get it. The people don't want it.
California and Colorado, both who voted for Hillary, had the chance to vote in two of their prize jewels..........and failed. Seems graveyard whistling may be a full time job for the their peril.

Seems voters are listening to the private sector with O'care fail.

Drug price controls shot down:

Single payer shot down:
ColoradoCare measure Amendment 69 defeated soundly – The Denver Post

with nearly 1.8 million votes counted across the state, the amendment was trailing 79.6 percent to 20.4 percent, according to preliminary state figures.
The left just doesn't seem to get it. The people don't want it.
California and Colorado, both who voted for Hillary, had the chance to vote in two of their prize jewels..........and failed. Seems graveyard whistling may be a full time job for the their peril.

Seems voters are listening to the private sector with O'care fail.

I've never agreed with Single Payer system. I've been overseas too much for that one, and paid their taxes, to collect it back on the way home.

But, here is where I find the "right" insane:

Jeb Bush made millions off Obamacare. Florida congressmen get health subsidies (they are millionaires), and pay 8.50 per month for their insurance. <---They get subsidies!

The whole issue (which was never brought forth), was about the American people (public) getting subsidies. <--WHICH THEY PAY BACK, if have to. Politicians getting it, never pay it back.

That is what it was about. Republicans just don't want subsidies for people.

And Republicans didn't want that stated all the time. Every time I listened to them speak, they were speaking with forked-tongues - because I actually 'read the law.'

This is not about the "left," as much so, about reading-in-between the lines and LISTENING to political talk.

Republicans made so much money off Obamacare, and now they have to step up and say no to it; because they pumped you up to hate it, and now they have to do something about it.

And instead of just correcting items for upper middle class, they are just going to remove it. Middle Class will get NOTHING CHANGED! And HSA account is still an HSA account. A tax deduction will be 40.00 back per 1,000 at end of year. WOW big bucks!

By the way, what do you think about Ryan's plan to take Medicare Beneficiaries, put them on an exchange to pay their own premiums, and give them "vouchers" - which is another word for subsidy?

Sound familiar?

Oh, I once again forgot, that some people cannot "read-between-the-lines, read laws, or even how to use a great law to make profits." Your type of Republicans FOLLOWED your party leaders, who actually did & laughed on their way to the bank. And now that they cashed in, they have you believing they felt your pain.

What a joke.
Gonna be funny when the voters for Trump lose their subsidies..

Already had my first encounter with a person that realizes they will likely die because of the person they supported. $20k earner, heavily subsidized, barely scraping by, on expensive medication. Can't afford a non-subsidized plan, can't get medicare, can't afford medication. Prior to ACA, literally was pawning her possessions to pay for medication and squatting an apartment she couldn't afford to pay rent on.

Well, I mean, she can commit some fraud and get Medicare, but that's another story...

So, which state has the cheapest small group PPO product? Do you really think pricing works this way? SMH...

All depends on how the changes shake out. Totally possible he was literal and will allow anyone to buy any plan on the market effective his first day in office. Not like he has any understanding of the market. If that's the case, my point stands.

Premium pricing will still depend on the cost of care in a given zip. Just like auto, just like home.

Most companies don't service a whole state in the first place. Allowing purchasing over state lines makes no sense when the plan is only available to zips within a state! Carriers would be forced to rate every zip in the nation, for every product, every year. Beyond the actuarial nightmare, this means carriers will effectively compete against themselves. There's 4 BCBS's in my state alone (Empire, Excellus, Anthem, Western), for example. Not to mention, the consumer would now have to choose a plan from THOUSANDS of options, with no standardization of benefits.

The takeaway you should get from my preposterous propositions is that the very concept flawed (but sounds good to the layperson...)