Turning 65 Leads


Super Genius
100+ Post Club
I have a lot of experience selling MA plans. A couple of months ago, I switched to selling FE full time. Things are going pretty good but I am considering shifting to the Turning 65 market where Ican lead with Med Supps or MAPDs and then I can cross sell FE or annuities. Obviously there is a lot of money to be made from selling annuities. Do many of you use this apporach as opposed to marketing annuities directly? I am thinking that the folks that are retiring also have several thousand dollars sitting in the 401k that they don't know what to do with and they certainly don't want to lose any money so the idea of FIA with their guarantees are pretty attractive. Is this strategy pretty effective?
just got a call today from Allianz about this. I'm actually too busy to get into selling annuities but it does sound promising. Hopefully I can get involved sometime in the future.

Best Wishes
This is very effective. Don't think about it anymore, just do it. You'll know very quickly whether it will work for you. Just be careful about cross-selling and CMS regulations.
How are you doing so well with FE? We have struggled to sell it but would love to get it going. What do you suggest? National Agent's Alliance? Special leads?
Most people start out slowly in any type of insurance sales. I had some "natural market" /MA sales contacts that I have sold to, as well as buying some leads. The leads have been so-so. But between the leads and my natural market sales, I am doing Ok. In order to make a lot of $$$ in Final Expense, I think most people would agree that you need to buy a ton leads and cross sell MA plans. With the T 65 market, I will be able to sell MA plans, final expense and annuities. And annuities pay very well. I hope others on the thread concur with me.
I have a lot of experience selling MA plans. A couple of months ago, I switched to selling FE full time. Things are going pretty good but I am considering shifting to the Turning 65 market where Ican lead with Med Supps or MAPDs and then I can cross sell FE or annuities. Obviously there is a lot of money to be made from selling annuities. Do many of you use this apporach as opposed to marketing annuities directly? I am thinking that the folks that are retiring also have several thousand dollars sitting in the 401k that they don't know what to do with and they certainly don't want to lose any money so the idea of FIA with their guarantees are pretty attractive. Is this strategy pretty effective?

You can do very well, but know that the turning 65 group is very competitive, as they are bombarded with mailings, and calls.