Two more CRM systems

Well, this thread took a wrong turn. :) You guys aren't gonna kiss now are you? HAHAHA

Ok, back to the miller light thread. Just got me a case for $5.

Senior, Not to worry - I figured if they were able to come out of the trenches on the Western Front during WWI and sing christmas songs together, we could share a song or two together here as well. Just like them, we will go back into our trenches soon enough and start taking pot shots at one another.

The only difference is that they were playing for keeps and we participate in virtual one ups manship. More of a Less Filling vs Tastes Great type of war. ;)
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Senior, Not to worry - I figured if they were able to come out of the trenches on the Western Front during WWI and sing christmas songs together, we could share a song or two together here as well. Just like them, we will go back into our trenches soon enough and start taking pot shots at one another.

The only difference is that they were playing for keeps and we participate in virtual one ups manship. More of a Less Filling vs Tastes Great type of war. ;)

I know you say this in jest... but there is a lot of truth here. The collective memory of any web board is about thirteen minutes. There is so much data on most boards that people forget what they fought about.

As long as you are treated in a civil manner you are likely to treat others the same way. When someone goes over the line, things tend to escalate.

On the internet you can 'hate' someone one minute, but be "OK" with them the next minute. I'm not sure why but I've seen it over and over where people fight like cats and dogs for a while but somehow forget the whole thing a day or two later.

I'm even considering going down to Burbank and visiting with Rick and knocking back a few martinis together. Then I'm going off to Denver and go target shooting with BKroc. (I'm a terrific shot with a .38 or anything smaller. The big hogs have too much kick for my old bones!) If I have time, I think I'll go to Indiana and have pizza and beer with Senior. :yes:

It's the internet... it's not like it's real life or anything!;)

I don't know about everyone else but I am already tired of looking at post for information, and scrolling down to see peoples answers ,only to find AL and Rick arguing like 2 little children.

Please take you stupid disagreements somewhere else. You are absolutely useless as far as helping new agents gather information and helping us to succeed in this industry.

GET A GRIP !!!!!
I am interested in what CRM others here are using. I thought sugarCRM required the minimum purchase of 5 users?

Will the open source version allow me to do the following:
1. customize the main contact info - I find that most CRM's are made for B2B and not business to customer. I like to put dates of birth, lines of business, spouse info, kid info....
2. Can it drop the fields into a word doc, ie mail merge?
3. Does it keep a history of your contact with the client? If I email/print out a letter, have a meeting with a client; will it store that occurrence with a time/date stamp?
4. Email/sales automation? Can I set up a series of template emails that allow me to drip market to my clients?
5. Mobile device and outlook sync?


Will the open source version allow me to do the following:
1. customize the main contact info - I find that most CRM's are made for B2B and not business to customer. I like to put dates of birth, lines of business, spouse info, kid info....
2. Can it drop the fields into a word doc, ie mail merge?
3. Does it keep a history of your contact with the client? If I email/print out a letter, have a meeting with a client; will it store that occurrence with a time/date stamp?
4. Email/sales automation? Can I set up a series of template emails that allow me to drip market to my clients?
5. Mobile device and outlook sync?


First see this:
Sugar Editions - SugarCRM

To do the Microsoft and Outlook you might want the "non-free" version which is $275 a year. However I believe there are also free plug-ins for these functions.

For MS Word It would be easy to export the data you want to mail-merge and bring it into your desktop Word. I've never done it or needed it. Sugar has a good e-mail campaign module, but I've only used it once.

1 - yes

2- 4: yes

5: yes - Table of Contents

Lots of info here SugarCRM Wiki - Sugar Support Wiki

or Google for something like "SugarCRM microsoft word."

There is also a ton of info on the Sugar Community forum:

SugarCRM Forums

Sugar has tens of thousands of users. It has a free version AND a commercial version. I'd suggest you play with the free demo:

SugarCRM - Commercial Open Source CRM


I get accused of being a shill or pimp for SugarCRM. I'm not. It works for me (the free version) and the price is right for my needs. You have to invest some time into any new tool and Sugar is no easier or harder than anything else out there. I found installing it to be easy for non-geeks... hundreds of thousands have done it.... a few guys on this board as well.

That said, you can try the desktop-based YIO program (which I don't like nor feel is secure... but YMMV on that) or or maybe ACT or or any of the other 1,001 CRMs out there. Don't listen to me or anyone else. What works for us might not work for you. Some folks want a desktop program, others want a web-based platfrom. Some must have an insurance-tailored system, others (like me) do well with a "general business" CRM.

Most folks here like Frank's YIO so maybe that is where one might want to start their search. If you like that program, you don't need to search further. If you want a web-based, "server-side" system then Sugar might be a launch point. Lots of folks use ... that's what I started on... no install, free, simple.... until I found Sugar. Maybe one of the Zoho programs will work for you.

There are plenty of choices, it all depends on what you like, what your budget it, and what you need. Here is a good site to start out with:

Small Business CRM Resource Centre - Your Free Guide To CRM Help

Hope this helps. I'm sure I'll be tarred and feathered by the usual evil-doers here for posting this missive. This venue is what it is.

Preserve your memories
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Most folks here like Frank's YIO so maybe that is where one might want to start their search. If you like that program, you don't need to search further. If you want a web-based, "server-side" system then Sugar might be a launch point. Lots of folks use ... that's what I started on... no install, free, simple.... until I found Sugar. Maybe one of the Zoho programs will work for you.

There are plenty of choices, it all depends on what you like, what your budget it, and what you need.

Thanks for the kind words Al.

Your Insurance Office is what it is. It is not intended to be "all things for all people".

It is an extremely easy program to use that is specifically designed for a L&H agents. No setup, no learning curve, just download and begin working immediately.

For agents who are very "computer literate" like you, and who enjoy the challenge of designing their own program, something like Sugar is probably better alternative. However, not all agents fit in that category.

There are agents throughout the US and now in eleven foreign countries using YIO. Most of them have a good working knowledge of their computer but they neither have the time nor inclination to design their own program. For them, YIO is a very good alternative.

I have two guys who program for me. We are currently "kicking around ideas" for a network version. I agree with you, it is the "wave of the future" and I guess it is time to consider jumping on the band wagon.
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Will the open source version allow me to do the following:
1. customize the main contact info - I find that most CRM's are made for B2B and not business to customer. I like to put dates of birth, lines of business, spouse info, kid info....
2. Can it drop the fields into a word doc, ie mail merge?
3. Does it keep a history of your contact with the client? If I email/print out a letter, have a meeting with a client; will it store that occurrence with a time/date stamp?
4. Email/sales automation? Can I set up a series of template emails that allow me to drip market to my clients?
5. Mobile device and outlook sync?


You may want to take a look at Your Insurance Office (YIO).

It has specific fields for most of the info an agents needs to keep track of. If there isn't a specific field, there are three User Defined Fields (UDF) that enable the agent to rename the field.

All data can be exported to any program that will accept CSV format like Word and Excel. It also has its own, built in Mail Merge.

It currently does not allow attachments to a client or prospects record but that is coming in the near future.

It automatically time/date stamps all entries made in the Comment box.

It does not allow for e-mail blasts but specific client and prospect data (see screen shots on my website) is exported to Outlook including the e-mail address.

Once that data is in Outlook it will sync to any Mobile Devise.

It isn't perfect but a lot of agents find it to be very helpful and extremely user friendly.
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