- 1,930
Most indemnity plans like Assurant, UCT and Medico pay the most commissions first year and then barely nothing the second year. These indemnity plans have the worst retention.
The network plans like Golden Rule, Humana, Aetna, Delta, etc. are the better plans for your clients but pay 5-10% level commissions. Network plans have the best retention.
The best network plan I've come across is with Ameritas.
- Ameritas is the 2nd largest Dental Network behind Delta Dental
- Can use any provider.
- 2,500 max limit
- no waiting periods for preventative, basic or major services
- vision insurance included w/ no waiting period
- up to 28% level commissions (new/renewal)
- 12 month advance
- paid weekly
- easy online enrollment
I hope this helps
Ameritas offers individual dental?
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Shows lower limit and waiting periods
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