UHC Goes to 0% Commission After Jan 1st??

I think UHC is just threatening non-participation so they can get the SEP rules changed and reimbursement. They'll all be back for 2017.

But don't think they'll want brokers pushing their plans...healthcare.gov and direct sales.
I think UHC is just threatening non-participation so they can get the SEP rules changed and reimbursement. They'll all be back for 2017.

Somewhere I read that the 2016 SEP rule changes would only reduce SEP enrollments by 2% this year. The changes are meaningless to health insurers. Get sick, need an operation, do a wee bit of reading at HC.gov about "complex circumstances, call 1.800.318.2596 and you're covered. Same as always.

Reimbursement for losses is gone for good. Congress is not going to fund it, and companies paying into the risk-sharing pool are not even getting back as much as they put in. The pool has a big leak in it.

Health insurers are willingly participating in a system that's guaranteed to lose them money. Those that come back to Obamacare for 2017 open-enrollment are either gullible fools, or are being strong-armed by the Government.
You missed the best line from the article.

UnitedHealth's individual enrollment went up to 700,000, and executives expect that tally will hit almost 800,000 by the end of open enrollment on Jan. 31. However, the number likely will recede as the year goes on since UnitedHealth stopped broker commissioners for ACA plans and took other measures to limit enrollment.
Somewhere I read that the 2016 SEP rule changes would only reduce SEP enrollments by 2% this year. The changes are meaningless to health insurers. Get sick, need an operation, do a wee bit of reading at HC.gov about "complex circumstances, call 1.800.318.2596 and you're covered. Same as always. Reimbursement for losses is gone for good. Congress is not going to fund it, and companies paying into the risk-sharing pool are not even getting back as much as they put in. The pool has a big leak in it. Health insurers are willingly participating in a system that's guaranteed to lose them money. Those that come back to Obamacare for 2017 open-enrollment are either gullible fools, or are being strong-armed by the Government.
In my opinion the big insurers and the govt will work together to make the Indy market a profitable business for the carriers.
Wait until 2016 losses show up. UHC was so competitive in NC, they got a lot of the heavy users here to switch from blue. This could get ugly.

January 20, 2016

United Healthcare eliminated Agent Commissions for 2016. Will it help? Nope. Today, UHC says that it expects to lose $500 million in 2016 on ObamaCare, which is $100 million more than it estimated, before nuking our commissions.

But the company won't decide until mid-year if staying in the ObamaScrew market for 2017 is worth it. Since United Healthcare earned over $141 Billion in 2015, with much of it from government contracts and approvals, they'll probably just do whatever Uncle Sam tells them to do.

Full Story: UnitedHealth Increases Loss Estimates Associated with Obamacare Plans - Fortune
They may show up for a return engagement in 2017 but that doesn't mean they have to deliver a competitive product. More than one way to trim your losses.

If you don't write anything, you can't lose.

Carriers do some stupid things but they can't top what Congress does.