UHC Loses Thousands of Applications

An off-ex app I faxed in on December 10th is STILL pending in their system. At least it isn't lost I guess.

they said "their underwriting team has just been swamped".

I can't figure out what they have been swamped by since it is a Guaranteed Issue Policy during open enrollment!!! Rubber stamp it for crying out loud!

Maybe if they hadn't eliminated online apps they wouldn't have these problems...but we all know that
I'm sure there is an internal memo that detailed exactly how to lose all of these applications, they've been accepting faxed applications for years prior to this.
I found out by accident Friday that a couple of exchange apps would be termed for NP. After my conversation with Broker Services I knew exactly what they were doing.

I'm not at all surprised with UHC shredding apps and payments, but I was told one of them was canceled by the Makertplace. I found that the app was canceled on the MP on the 19th of Dec. and effective January 1.

I asked who canceled it and they had no record of that. The fact that the policy was canceled on the MP without the owners consent is very discouraging to hear. The owner made the premium payment by phone to UHC on the 29th and was told that she would receive a confirmation by email which never came. Shocker. They did debit her account and she has received her ID cards. BUT.....her policy should have been termed Friday the 8th for NP according to my conversation Friday with Bro Servcs.

The problem I have with all of this is no one can be held accountable and that the owners MP account was hacked by the MP.

Of course I was also told to have her reapply for a Feb 1 issue. Also a shocker.
A couple of reason's the mp may have cancelled their policy:

1. They did not reconcile their 2014 taxes by Aug 31st.

2. When the first applied did not check the box that says you agree to let mp check your taxes for next 5 years.

There were other reason's that escape my mind right now, but it was suppose to be simple to call MP and tell them that when the mp went to auto renew something happened to their file and the mp was to reinstate back to Jan 1. Well I can tell you from personal experience the mp reps don't understand squat as far as something going wrong upon auto renew.

If they haven't had any claims re write them with Feb 1 effective date, should be a new commission rather than a renewal.
If they haven't had any claims re write them with Feb 1 effective date, should be a new commission rather than a renewal.

If it's uhc, you don't get paid for policies effective after 1/1/16 in my state...likely the case in this situation.