UHC Website / Apps Down???

Uhc pulled the quoting software as a hindrance to quote their plans. You have to email demographic information to [email protected] and request the plans you want. On a side note, I've found that ehealthinsurance.com has the correct quotes up and running so you can quote from there.
Uhc pulled the quoting software as a hindrance to quote their plans.

You'd think that a big experienced company like UHC would prefer to sell as many non-exchange policies as possible, since the CEO of UHC blamed "exchange business" for their big Individual Family Plan $$$ losses this year.

I can understand how our inexperienced ObamaScare IL co-op panicked, and made this mistake...but United Healthcare?!?! It seems that only insurance-forum.net members comprehend how this crazy law works in the public domain.
In our state, the UHC carriers are dumping to 0% as of Feb 1 but only for ON exchange business. OFF exchange business remains business (and commissions) as usual.

Actually, I think is a violation of ACA rules that prohibit exchange carriers from discouraging business to the exchange. Guess time will tell, but as for UHC, scrw 'em. What a bunch of incompetent poo-poo heads.
insight into what's going on inside Humana's top brass right now

Probably polishing their resume'.

It seems that only insurance-forum.net members comprehend how this crazy law works in the public domain.

We are the only ones with boots on the ground. Ivory tower folks that run the carriers are so far removed from the ground game they have no clue what is going on. Many at the top never had any health insurance experience.

Kind of like taking a college professor/community organizer and putting him in charge of the country.
Actually, I think is a violation of ACA rules that prohibit exchange carriers from discouraging business to the exchange.

Since UHC has multiple companies (one for on exchange and several for off exchange) they can get away with changing comp and plan designs. Smart move on their part. The rest of what's going on...not so smart.