Uninsured Rate Drops To Lowest Level Since The '90s

Well, in fairness, the governments third quarter starts in March, so it does make some sense.

Of course, it doesn't say this is what they meant, I'm just assuming it is.

Its just an idiotic article designed to make people think something was achieved.

You have to report that figure like a politician!

Amortize the cost over 10 years, as is standard, and factor in all the medicaid/care enrolls. It only costs $7,140 per insured individual now.
March 19, 2015

This week the news media is bombarding the public with news that 16.4 million formerly uninsured people now have health insurance (Private & Medicaid) thanks to Obama and ObamaCare.

The CBO says that as of March 1st, this initiative has cost America $1.207 Trillion dollars.

Can someone calc and post how many taxpayer dollars have been spent to get each of the 16.4 million people insured? How much per person? (My calculator can't crunch huge numbers)

Thanks in advance!
March 19, 2015 This week the news media is bombarding the public with news that 16.4 million formerly uninsured people now have health insurance (Private & Medicaid) thanks to Obama and ObamaCare. The CBO says that as of March 1st, this initiative has cost America $1.207 Trillion dollars. Can someone calc and post how many taxpayer dollars have been spent to get each of the 16.4 million people insured? How much per person? (My calculator can't crunch huge numbers) Thanks in advance! :cool:

Just type the numbers into google. I get $73,597.56 per person.
I get $73,597.56 per person.

Seems about right.

AC, you need one of those Obama Spendulus calculators

Thank-you SMAN for that $73,597.56 per person cost figure. Very expensive customer acquisition! I'm surprised that none of the conservative media or politicians have picked up on this, since reducing the number of uninsured was Obama's #1 Goal. At any cost though?


Somarco, your ability to find a visual representation that fits any subject being discussed is amazing. I hate to ask what one of those Obama Calculators cost, LOL.
Thank-you SMAN for that $73,597.56 per person cost figure. Very expensive customer acquisition! I'm surprised that none of the conservative media or politicians have picked up on this, since reducing the number of uninsured was Obama's #1 Goal. At any cost though?


Somarco, your ability to find a visual representation that fits any subject being discussed is amazing. I hate to ask what one of those Obama Calculators cost, LOL.

They're actually free. Each O'bamaphone comes with one as a bonus for voting for the Kenyan.:)
Thank-you SMAN for that $73,597.56 per person cost figure. Very expensive customer acquisition! I'm surprised that none of the conservative media or politicians have picked up on this, since reducing the number of uninsured was Obama's #1 Goal. At any cost though?

But when it's OPM (other people's money) what does it really matter? Or should I have said, "what difference at this point does it make"?

I love the fact that my premiums have doubled AND I get to pay more taxes so others can have a subsidy. I get the best of both worlds (much sarcasm intended).

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