Upcoming TIP interview with JD

It's 2019 - how many agents scammed by his lead and "pre-set appointment" business have been made whole. By his own admission - none.

He says he is making MILLIONS of dollars in profits every year now. So I’m certain he would have gone back and made good on anyone that he collected money from in the past that he was unable to provide what they paid him for due to abruptly closing down his business. Even Dave Ramsey tells about doing that himself. Paying back the people he financially damaged in the past once he became a multi-millionaire. Even though he was not legally required to do so because of his bankruptcy.
He says he is making MILLIONS of dollars in profits every year now. So I’m certain he would have gone back and made good on anyone that he collected money from in the past that he was unable to provide what they paid him for due to abruptly closing down his business. Even Dave Ramsey tells about doing that himself. Paying back the people he financially damaged in the past once he became a multi-millionaire. Even though he was not legally required to do so because of his bankruptcy.

I’ve never made a claim about my income, and I’ve never abruptly closed a business. You’re being intellectually dishonest.

Also, you and I know that when a credit card purchase is chargedback, the consumer is made whole.

What else you wanna talk through, Scott?

It’s interesting to see how much you’re fixated on me, I’m flattered.
Tisk, tisk, tisk...I bet he gives them higher premiums too. What is the term for that? Churning? Yes, I believe that’s the term. Taking someone off their lower premium and selling them a company with a higher premium is churning isn’t it?

Some agents can justify anything to churn up a new commission for themselves.
Yelp... Some people write fraternals and then use the assessment clause to replace them..

Well, they weren’t.

Someone would have went to jail.

Someone would have went to jail means virtually nothing to me lol deceptive practices from the top down isn’t exactly great publicity but I see your point. This was also in 2006 so I imagine most or all are gone by this point. Also, why you all acting like they were only going after veterans? Werent they targeted by other service members?

You need to push the Newby politician button and talk your way outta this
I’ve never made a claim about my income, and I’ve never abruptly closed a business. You’re being intellectually dishonest.

Also, you and I know that when a credit card purchase is chargedback, the consumer is made whole.

What else you wanna talk through, Scott?

It’s interesting to see how much you’re fixated on me, I’m flattered.

Well I stand corrected then. So you were the number one producer in the country for a decent sized final expense company and you aren’t making huge income? Hmmmm? Interesting.

And I had no idea those agents from your old lead business were all made whole. That was rude of them to not come back and update the threads if none of them actually lost money.

If these things are true then those agents really had nothing to complain about. Don’t you hate that? When people make false accusations about you?
You are reading that as a “reason to replace”?
I don’t think we’re looking at the same thing.

This is what I am looking at on that thread:


I have replaced some Foresters and I will use the fraternal against them.

FEX Quotes then asked, “What do you mean by against them?” And the reply was:

They spell it out clearly in their certificate that they can come back to the member and assess charges. All you have to do is show that to the person and ask them if they would rather have a policy.

Don’t know how you read those statements but it sounds to me as if he is using it as a reason to replace the certificates. People can always spin things to justify their actions.
How many agents bother to explain that the 2 years starts all over again and their family won't get jack shit (except for returned premium plus interest)?:skeptical:
Not so in KY.. However, that is not true in any case as long as there is no material misrepresentation on the application. I have had several claims paid during the first two years by various companies. A couple took about a month to investigate but they did not contest and paid the claim. One was a natural death that occurred before the policy was even received. Fortunately, I had collected cash with the application so it was effective as of the date of app;..