VALUE PENGUIN Info and Feedback

Response from Value Penguin regarding status of 2015 Premium Uploads...

"Allen, we have it in select states at this moment. I had communicated that to the Washington Times previously. We're continuing to add more as we get more data. I'm planning to update the ppaca/exchanges pages to highlight which ones are available currently. Off the top of my head we have California, Ohio, Virginia, Rhode Island, Oregon, Washington and a few others. Not all the plan benefits are there yet so we're still waiting for some. You should see a toggle that says "2015 preview" when the state has it available.

The rates we have are from the filings the insurers have submitted from each state. Not all of them are fully approved so some may change as we approach open enrollment. We're continuing to update this stuff as we go along."



Click on State of Interest: Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) Health Insurance Exchanges

It seems that VPenguin is making good on their promise.. CA, NY, CA, OH, and perhaps other states, are now showing 2014 and 2015 premiums AND subsidy amounts. You can "toggle" between the two years.

Friday, November 7, 2014 Status Update:

Now that the elections are behind us, 2015 Premiums are slowly being added again. As of today, 11 states have 2015 premium available.