value vs. price

In most of my companies the plan E is cheaper than D. My understanding is that the at home recovery benefit is paid by Medicare in full. Do you guys present that benefit as useful?

Is anybody selling plans K and L? I have heard of them, never seen them. Who has them and are tHEy good? How are the prices?


In your post you specifically refered to the "at home recovery" benefit. (See above) I believe what you are referring to is "Home Health Care Medicare Approved Services". Those are paid 100%.

If you will look at Plan D, the "At Home Recovery" benefit is, "Actual Charges to $40 a visit. Up to the number of Medicare Approved visits, not to exceed 7 per week, or $1,600 per year."

In my post I specifically addressed "At Home Recovery" benefits as you did in your post. It is in quotes in my post so readers would know specifically what I was referring to.

I understand your mistake, it is an easy one to make, but there is a distinction between the two.

I never, ever ask them if they want to buy either. That is the surest way of losing the sale in my opinion.

At the end of my presentation, it includes most of the objections prospects come up with, I simply say "I just need to see your Medicare Card to get it started".

I am constantly amazed when they say, "my purse/wallet is in the bedroom, I will be right back". I haven't asked them anything "threatening" like do you want to buy it, sign here or I need a check.

If they hand me their Medicare card I just start filling out the app. Very seldom will they let me fill out the app and then say they don't want it.

My "dog and pony" show is pretty good, even if I do say so myself. :D

That's what I use too.

"Home Health Care Medicare Approved Services" it a Medicare benefit provided by all the "Standard Medicare Supplement policies". Medicare pays 100% of "Medical necessary skilled care services and medical supplies". Medicare also pays "80% of durable medical equipment". Walkers, wheelchairs, etc.

Some agents confuse this with the "Skilled Nursing" benefit.

"At Home Recovery Services Not Covered by Medicare" is a benefit provided by only a few of he Medicare Supplement policies and is paid by the policy/insurance company. It would kind of kick in if the person was cut off of Medicare Home Health Care but still needed care at home. Plan D is one of the Plans that offer that benefit.

Hope that helps. If not give me a call and I can go into more detail.
Do you know how much that benefit is used? What about exess charges? I have never ran into a doctor that doesnt except assignment. But I have agents come in behind me and scare the pants off people with an example of a 50k bill that the surgeon could charge the extra 15%. They tell tehm that the good surgeons are the ones that charge excess. Makes me mad cuz I look like an ***.

"Home Health Care Medicare Approved Services" it a Medicare benefit provided by all the "Standard Medicare Supplement policies". Medicare pays 100% of "Medical necessary skilled care services and medical supplies". Medicare also pays "80% of durable medical equipment". Walkers, wheelchairs, etc.

Some agents confuse this with the "Skilled Nursing" benefit.

"At Home Recovery Services Not Covered by Medicare" is a benefit provided by only a few of he Medicare Supplement policies and is paid by the policy/insurance company. It would kind of kick in if the person was cut off of Medicare Home Health Care but still needed care at home. Plan D is one of the Plans that offer that benefit.

Hope that helps. If not give me a call and I can go into more detail.

Plans D and G offer the "at home recovery" benefit, but neither cover the Part B deductible. Plans I and J include it as well but I don't think they are offered by many companies.
Do you know how much that benefit is used? What about exess charges? I have never ran into a doctor that doesnt except assignment. But I have agents come in behind me and scare the pants off people with an example of a 50k bill that the surgeon could charge the extra 15%. They tell tehm that the good surgeons are the ones that charge excess. Makes me mad cuz I look like an ***.


The at home recovery benefit is one that is not used very often. Still, it is there if they need it. Plan F does not provide it.

In the early 90's when Medicare made the changes in how they pay doctors who do not/or do accept assignment doctors by the tens of thousands immediately began accepting assignment who had not accepted assignment before. I tell that to the prospect.

I have had people say that an agent, one of "them" as opposed to one of "us", told them that and they are afraid now to give up their Plan F.

To combat that bold face lie, I tell them that I have been doing this for 13 years and ever since Medicare changed the way they pay doctors, I explain that in detail to them, that I have sold nothing but Plan D. That I have hundreds of clients with Plan D and none of them have encountered a surgeon who refused to accept assignment. That is the truth.

I also tell them that I work on commission and I only get paid if they continue to make their premium payments. That if they cancel their policy I no longer get paid. I say I am your employee, you pay my salary. I also tell them that it is in both your and my best interests that I sell they the best policy for the best price. I tell them I want them for a client for at least the next 50 years. (They usually smile when I say that, or it at least lightens up the conversation a little.)

I also tell them that my mother has Plan D and ask if they really think that I would sell my mother a policy that is going to put her at financial risk.

Then I drop this, agents work on straight commission. The more expensive a policy an agent sells you the more money he/she makes. I then ask them if they now know why the other agent was trying to scare them into taking an F and I show them the difference in premium.

Turn it around and make the other agent look like the greedy idot he really is.

That usually ends their concerns about what some other wanna be insurance agent told them.

It's late, I hope that makes sense.