Very Satisfied with Agent Methods

Thank you Abrasax.
I would be interested in seeing the site whenever you're ready to post the link.
When I was looking into services like this I did call Insurancesplash based on a recommendation from badtrout in one of his posts and I was impressed with them.
My reasoning for not hiring them was because the individual I spoke with was very upfront and honest about the fact that they weren't able to provide the immediate return I was looking for.
Instead of just taking my money they explained to me what they could do and couldn't do so I would definitely do business with them in the future.
My websites have already been designed and live for quite some time so it didn't make sense for me.
I went a completely different route with AdWords and IP targeting which works well but can be extremely expensive.
Good luck and thanks for the input.
Here is my insurance Splash Website: Independent Insurance Agency

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