Ways To Keep Clients From Running You....

Hello all. I'm new to the forums, and just wanted to say hi. A little background..... I've been in insurance for about 2 years. I'm very lucky to be with an extremely great FMO, and basically sell Medicare and Individual MM.

My book of business is starting to get to the point where I'm not remembering every client's background/story, which I guess is a good thing, because it means business is good.

I'm just trying to get insight from some of the veteran's on what strategies you use to keep your book of business from running your life. I have seen the lives of some of the veteran agents in my FMO whose clients essentially are running their lives -- non-stop calls for service, requests, demands, etc., and the person is on the brink of a heart attack, has no personal life, and I don't want that to be me.

Any help is appreciated. Thanks much.
Set and keep your office hours, mostly.
Get them used to leaving detailed messages or text.
No message and or return phone number no or Dela is return call. Don't reply to caller I d
Understand however, if you don't service them someone like me will.
Limit the people you have your cell phone number.

A few of my clients have my cell because I had to call them from the road. However, my outgoing VM clearly states that I never check my VM and advises them not to leave a message. My outgoing message tells them to call my business number.

Aside from that there are less than a dozen people who have my cell number who don't share my last name or DNA.

I work a lot (unfortunately), but when I'm not working, I'm not working.

Fire the biggest time wasters. (But not the people who have real problems and really need a good agent.)