Website-health insurance sales

Investing in leads can be the best decision you ever made . . . or the worst. I have always done well with shared internet leads but that is not to say you will.

The telesale from shared leads is completely different in almost every way from how I did business in the past. There is a learning curve for most. How quickly you get into the black (with any method) is determined by trial and error and a bit of luck.

After almost 4 yrs of working the health business on shared leads (2 yrs doing almost nothing but health) I am still tweaking and refining.
Insurance Trade School Lesson 1: Metrics

if you close a minimum of 1/10 good leads

and you buy 100 a week

You will make 10 sales a week

lets say avg of 3000 AV @20%= 600.00 assume 75% one year persistency

that would be 4500 a week (50) = 225,000

investment 35,000 if leads are 7.00 and we assume all leads are good or replaced with good leads

Net income is 190,000

or 542% ROI

Class Dismissed

Excellent Points . . .

$7 Leads? What kind are they?

Excellent Points . . .

$7 Leads? What kind are they?


Shared leads and you can do well if you are a good presenter and can bond with the people and qualify them quickly and then close, close, close. You can do follow up calls untill they buy or die. PZ treats me well and I've given up on the others. They have a good quoting system and they have a website with quoting and self application. You can build your website and get apps while you sleep. Blogging helps drive traffic.

Because of the underwriting, I've switched to Medicare.
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Certainly people use the web to shop for most things today.

That being said, most health insurance web sites attract a significant number of tire kickers and people with serious health issues who are declines.

This includes purchased leads. You will waste a lot of time, be prepared.
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Thanks to all for the input! Fortunately for me I have been a business owner so I do understand the need to have and follow a business plan. I;ve been in direct sales since 1993, doing group presentations, setting follow up appts that night and seeing those people over the next 2 days. The problem was that is was a dead end sale, meaning once they bought my product they NEVER needed to buy again. I did get and work referrals, but I want to make a change to a business where my efforts today can pay me again next year (if they stay on the book).

The main source of leads that I worked then came from putting out registration boxes in local businesses then I would telemarket those leads to inivte them out to my group presentation. When I would make a sale, I would always ask for and usually get 10 qualified leads. We would then turn around and invite those people out to the group presentation. The second method that I used was to buy a list of home owners in my area which I would then cold call. It was a 2 step process. Step 1 was on the inital call I would ask them to participate in a home safety survey. At the end of the call I would thank them and tell them that I would enter them into a drawing for a chance to win a dinner for two. Step 2 was calling those people back within 2 weeks and invite them out to our group presentation. (I did them at GOOD local restaurants) and I would feed them dinner, thus the dinner for two. :-)

Starting out insurance I think I will do B2B knocking doors, and telemarket them myself to set appts. I do want to work some internet leads but I will ease my way into it. I have put away my emergecy fund, so I won't starve anytime soon.

Question: What about Assurant? They run a lot of TV ads in my area and I see on their website they offer leads, some free... Would that be a good carrier for me to hook up with??

Thanks for your input. . . . . . . I respect and appreciate your advce, I will certinally follow it !
Some of what you are doing can translate to our business but it can also be a very costly way of getting clients. Lunch & learn works but that is not where I would put my dollars if starting something new.

Knocking on doors is fine if you have something unique. Otherwise you are wasting your time (as well as that of the owner).

As for Time, they are a mixed bag. Apparently they are competitive in MD but nowhere else. Running ads on TV does not mean they are right for folks.

Mega also runs ads on radio and TV as does AARP. If hookers and crack dealers ran ads it doesn't mean you should join them.
careerchanger...I'm going to cut the crap and be direct with you. Let's talk about the important things right now.

The Series is ovuh! Hamels will not lose game five!

OK...if we must discuss the trivial things...I agree about Assurant. If you're in Pa...their rates are not the greatest. Check out some other carriers.

I hope your right, a win tonight would be GREAT for the city of Philadelphia. I'm no longer living in PA, I have relocated to Virginia. I will certinally check out other carriers, besides I'm not one to put all of my eggs in on basket. Thanks for your input.

By the way, could you please approve my membership application to your Assoication. . . When I try to login it says "Membership pending"
By the way, could you please approve my membership application to your Assoication. . . When I try to login it says "Membership pending"

Boy, I thought Leadco was slow to respond! :D

Is anyone interested in World Series Game 6 tix at The Trop Wednesday night? Two together, lower box - up the line a little behind first. Might let 'em go cheap...
Career...I'll take care of that today. I don't want any more Leadco comments thrown my way!

Moon...My only fear is that if it does go back to will be a 4-3 Rays Series win. We'll see.
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Speaking of My "Association," on the link or your liver will be removed and given to someone less fortunate than you!

The Health Insurance Shop | Google Groups
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My buddy started an independant agency selling health insurance. HE is part of a MLM organization . He struggled the first few years. He now tells me the biz is really taking off after getting a website. He says you would not believe how many people shop for insurance on the web. I guess all you need is a fancy site and some nice pics . If you build it they will come..ehhh?

The key to a productive website is your position in web searches. You can create the best website ever seen but if no one ever see's it then what good is it? The best "free" (speaking no out of pocket expenses just your time) Is to create a website and put meta -tags on it that will drive traffic to it. Putting your top competitor in the meta tags is often a great way to do this. You also may want to blog and use key words such as product, your name, your company name, your location, and what you do in EVERY one. That will keep you at the top of the search engines. If you have exsisting clients ask them what they would use to search for your services on the internet, not only will that let you know what words to use it will also make your clients feel special in knowing that you value their opinion. If you need any help with something like this I can give you some pointers just email me... I will gladly give you any advice I can and answer any of your questions on how to build yourself on the ranks in google, yahoo, etc... GOOD LUCK!

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