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Every major carrier I have spoken with has told me plans sold after 3/23/10 will be "adjusted" i.e. rate increase to reflect new mandates.
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CIGN just sent a blast email stating plans sold after 3/23/10 must comply.
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This just in from Cigna . . .

Under the regulations, plans must cover without copay, coinsurance or deductible – certain preventive services that have "strong scientific evidence of their health benefits."

Grandfathered plans are exempt for as long as they remain grandfathered.

Non-grandfathered plans (i.e., plans either not in effect on 3/23/10 or that made changes since then resulting in loss of grandfathered status) must comply with the no-cost-sharing requirement beginning with the first plan year on or after September 23, 2010.

Preventive services are to be covered without any cost-sharing requirement when delivered by a network provider.

Employers and insurers are not required to provide coverage for recommended preventive services delivered by an out-of-network provider or may impose cost-sharing for recommended preventive services delivered by an out-of-network health care provider.

If a guideline for a recommended preventive service does not specify the frequency, method, treatment, or setting for the service, the plan or issuer may use "reasonable medical management techniques" to determine any coverage limitations on the service.