What? A Potential Blow to Health Care Reform?!?!?

Yes, Obama made a mistake on this pick. At least he admitted that he screwed up.

Hmmn, I wonder if Bush made any mistakes?

Sure he did. But at least he waited until his cabinet was in place and had more than 2 weeks in office. This has been the shakiest transition to a new administration that I have ever seen. I just heard today that the Labor Secretary and a couple others are now having problems too.
That statement was poor to say the least. But that was just words and it after two years on office. Not two weeks.
Is Tom Daschle a tool for not paying taxes, or for making big money since leaving office? A heck of lot of politicians "consult" after they leave office. Democrats & republicans. Look at Dick Cheney with Haliburton before becoming VP. They even had him in their shirt pocket while he was VP. Remember the "no bid contracts" they get? Wow, thats good use of our tax dollars! But its like John Melencamp sings, "Ain't that Americia,

Obama's picks are fine. They are not the worst in history.
But it's simply surreal for me for anyone to be brazen enough to want to help RUN the country when they're a tax cheat.

Only surreal? Such youthful exhuberance for the American system. Wait, aren't you kind of an old guy?

I think all politicians are like Blago or are on the road to becoming Blago. Maybe I'm cynical, but does anyone believe that any governor that gets to appoint a US Senator honestly tries to pick one simply for the good of his or her state? I'm not sure that is a grammatically correct sentence. Here I go again...

I believe that anytime a governor gets to appoint a US Senator he or she does it for personal gain without regard to his or her state. I believe that anyone that runs for national office eventually becomes addicted to the power of the office (many just want power right from the get go...).